Chapter 2: Home

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The bell rang to signal the end of the day. As soon as Biscuit dismissed her class, all the students started chatting as their packed their bags. A while later, there was an avalanche of people trying to fit through the exit to leave the classroom.

Killua squished himself through the crowed and managed to get into the hallway, which was also an avalanche that guided him towards the door to leave the school.

"Ugh," Killua let out a small grunt. If he had to experience this everyday, he was going to become a squished pancake one day, he thought. He was looking depressed until he heard a voice from behind. 

"Killua!" It seemed that Gon had just escaped the avalanche, and moved to the side to stand with Killua. 

"Hey Gon, sup?" the boy said, wondering why Gon came to him instead of going home.

"Because I saw you, of course!" Gon said with a smile on his face, "I know you don't catch the train, but lets walk together!"

Killua's pale face had a tint of pink in it. He's never really had a proper friend before, and this warm feeling inside must be what it feels like when you have such a wonderful friend. "I can catch the train too," Killua spoke.

"Really!?" Gon's face lit up as the white haired boy said this. Killua could feel his face now going a little red. 

"Yeah," he replied, which caused Gon to jump up and down.

"Then lets go!" Gon grabbed Killua's hand and head towards the gate to exit the school.


The station was a 20 minute walk from the school, but the boys got to the station in no time while they talked about each other.

"Which way do you catch the train, Killua?" Gon asked, "I catch the train from platform 2."

"Oh, same here," Killua said, which caused Gon to make a big smile on his face once again. "Well, the trains coming in 1 minute so we better hurry up and get through the gates mister."

"Oh shit!" Gon gasped. He grabbed Killua's hand again as they ran to the gates.


The two were panting by the time they got onto the train.

"Lets sit down," Killua suggested as they sat at a seat next to each other. 

"Where do you get off at?" Gon asked Killua.

"Hence Point Station," the boy replied, "what about you?"

"I get off one after you, at Greed Island Station."

"Sweet," Killua said.

There was a short amount of silence for a while, until Gon started talking about himself, which got the boys to start laughing again.


Next stop, Hence Point, Hence Point. The doors on the right hand side will open, please mind your step when exiting.

"Oh, that's me," Killua stood up and looked down on Gon.

"Aww, that's a shame..." If Gon was a dog, Killua would've been able to see it's ears drop. The boy laughed at his friend and patted him on the head, squishing the brown, spikey hair that was set.

"I'll cya tomorrow. You wanna catch the train in the morning too?" Killua said.

"Yes please!" Gon smiled, "I'll message you later to talk about what time we should catch it at!"

"Okay!" Killua waved at Gon as he exited through the doors.


After walking 10 minutes from the station, Killua made it to the large black door at the front of his house. He grabbed the keys and opened the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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