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evie got out of her dads car with ant in tow since he needed a lift that morning and everyone saw amerie screech with her stuff all over the floor. "you need help? how sad." evie had a blank face as she walked into school. she was wearing some baggy track pants and black tank top with her hair slicked back into a ponytail.

"i hate sluts." evie grumbled from where she was sitting next to malakai. they were watching a movie about nudes and noodles and things like that and it was the most boring thing ever. evie was currently drawing on squared paper filling in every other square. "noodles. so fucken stupid."

"i think it's supposed to be a joke?" malakai whispered back.

"i remember when my nudes got leaked and my dad beat up the kid so hard he moved out of the state." evie nodded proudly at the mention. "the picture wasn't even bad it was literally me in a bikini... with the top pulled down. anyway." the blonde blushed at her own words and focused back on jojo.

"there are risks like revenge porn, being excluded from friends, ethical reasons." jojo began but of course like usual sasha decided to pipe up.

"yeah but people have been sharing naked pictures since the dawn of time, for example cave paintings, art—" there was another pause and ant decided to shout out something or other. "nudes are like a human love language, jo."

"i get this won't stop you but there are ways to be smarter about it, like what if you don't put your face in it?" jojo suggested.

spider had that cocky smile. "i have a very recognisable dick." he started.

"yeah it's this big and this thick." evie made the smallest measurements with her fingers as possible and spider flipped her off. "anyone can recognise a micro penis, but it might be hard to tell the difference between yours and ants." she gave them a fake thumbs up before turning back to her desk.

"how you come up with this stuff so quick astounds me." malakai said stifling his laugh with the sleeve of his sweater.

when sluts was finished, evie was sitting in the yard when she saw her dad walking through the school yard. "what are you doing here?" evie asked as her dad approached her with a sandwich and a can of coke.

"got a meeting with woodsy like the other parents she summoned me." he replied with a shrug. "you need a lift home from school or are you good?" the man asked.

"i'm good i'm going to study at the library so i'll just get the bus home." evie fist bumped her dad and he disappeared off into the office with the rest of the parents.

evie made her way to the library, sitting at the table with missy, ant and spider. "hey fuckheads." the blonde unwrapped her sandwich and took a bite out of it.

"what's in that?" spider asked.

"shit and sugar." evie deadpanned and passed the other half of her sandwich to spider. "it's ham and cheese, i've eaten the same sandwich since i was seven."

"sweet." spider said, taking a bite out of the sandwich before writing something down in his notebook. "you never study, ay?"

"i'm passing all of my classes. i'm not gonna study for sluts, am i?" she replied, scrolling through her phone to see a text from malakai.

you going to the gig at dusty's house?

probably yeah, unless spider gives
me a reason to smash a guitar on his
head and get me arrested for assault

there's a reason i call you scary

i'm not scary

"who you texting pear?" spider looked at evie's screen and she quickly turned it off. "were you sending your noodles around again, tsk tsk." he tutted at evie who grabbed the rest of his sandwich and threw it to the other side of the library wordlessly.

missy and ant cackled, the sandwich hitting zoey square in the head and everyone at the table pointed to spider.

"spider you cunt!" zoey shouted and evie snorted, covering her mouth to disguise the sound before she covered her face with her book.

just threw spider's sandwich and
it hit zoey in the head. might not
make it to the gig

i pray for you vi

thanks kai

during gym, evie was sitting on the grass next to sasha and missy when quinnie came over. "i don't get what she sees in her." evie muttered, stretching and touching her toes.

"who? sasha?" missy asked, laying on her stomach on the grass.

"no, quinnie." evie responded. "sorry but sasha is so full of herself at the moment. after your breakup she's become so... bitchy."

"right? i mean i didn't wanna say it but now you did i guess i have an excuse to." missy replied. "so fucking irritating."

after school, evie was walking the long way past ants house and she saw him chatting with harper. "hey, let me grab a slap band." she held out the twenty bucks for it and ant slapped one on her wrist.

"there you go blondie." ant replied. "you coming with loverboy?" he asked.

"so funny shithead."

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now