twenty-one ;an epiphany

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raging embers consumed what was left of the village, reducing whatever that was in it's path to ashes. the young girl could only helplessly kneel within the cathedral, her bloodied knees pressed against the jagged stone ground, bruised fingers interlaced with one another.

she prayed to the gods for an answer. an answer as to why all this was happening to her beloved home.

however, all she got in response were a second wave of devouring flames. flames that devoured the cathedral, her body, and her soul.

just as the gods had refused to answer her pleas, she refused to submit to the fate they subjected her to.

alas, in her fit of desperation, she had triggered the awakening of the dormant heavenly beings. disturbed from their slumber, they punished her─ and yet, not even their divinity could overthrow the malice of her sin.

not even the rage of awakened gods could compare to that of the sinner's. the sinner of which is her, she who harbours the sheer fury of an immortal.


"renatus─!" your eyes shot open, heaving large gasp as you sprung up from your haunting dream.

"renatus?.." the murmur of rayne's voice brought you awareness of your surroundings.

crowding your bed were 4 divine visionaries, rayne himself included. to be more specific, the other 3 who crowded your bed were none other than ryoh, orter, and kaldo.

"why're you all..." your voice trailed off, coming to a realisation.

"quite the danger you've put yourself in. you know, if it weren't for your dear friends, you would've been dead." kaldo's words only reeked of irritation.

"i'm short on time. we demand an explanation on both your disappearance and the findings the investigators discovered." orter adjusted his glasses, pushing them up as his cold eyes stared down at your weakened state.

"it can wait... i need to see renatus." you softly groaned, finally taking in the severity of your wounds as it stung aching kisses all across your body.

"the rest of the visionaries are busy. if it's not urgent, then your answers take priority." despite his rotting sweet smile, he had the same attitude as the desert cane, leaning in on you with intimidation wisping around him.

and that made you sweat-drop.

"you gave us quite the scare when you left. without a word, too." the flame cane sighed, dropping his intimidating demeanor as he backed away.

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