Part Two

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Cloud Recesses

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian looks at each other. Lan Wangji feels embarassment and he looks at his brother. Lan Xichen stands beside.

Wei Wuxian observe Lan Wangji from head to toe and then he glares at Lan Xichen.

"So, is he Lan Wangji?", Wei Wuxian asks.

Lan Xichen nodes his head. He worriedly looks at Lan Wangji and he comes near him.

"Wangji! He is childe Wei.", Lan Xichen says.

Lan Wangji nodes his head. He greets Wei Wuxian and bows in front of him.

"I don't have more time. I need to arrive Yunmeng.", Wei Wuxian says in his rough voice.

Lan Wangji suspectfully looks at Wei Wuxian. Lan Xichen tightly hold Lan Wangji's hand.

"Wei Wuxian! I am saying again that you don't need to worry about anything. I will talk to Wens. They will listen to us. But...", Lan Xichen was about to complete.

"But who will give us guarantee? Already we have faced many problems from Wens. People of Lan clan has been supported them. When we will built our strong army and when we will be able to fight then I will return your brother.", Wei Wuxian says coldly.

Lan Wangji gets confused. He looks at Lan Xichen.

"Brother! What are you saying? I can't understand anything.", Lan Wangji says in sign language.

Lan Xichen gets tensed because he knows that when Lan Wangji will know that Wei Wuxian wants to take him Yunmeng than how Lan Wangji is going to react.

But anyhow Lan Xichen tell everything to Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji lowers his head. He thinks about his fate and again looks at Lan Xichen.

"Brother! Is it compulsory to go with him?", Lan Wangji asks in sign language.

"Hmm, it's compulsory otherwise he will attack on us. He has surrounded whole Cloud Recesses. Also we doesn't have any chance to escape.", Lan Xichen says.

Lan Wangji gets worried and he looks at Wei Wuxian who was already staring at him.

"Go and pack your stuff. You have only ten minutes.", Wei Wuxian says.

Lan Wangji nodes his head and he goes towards Jingshi. Wei Wuxian and Lan Xichen comes out from library pavillion and they stands at ground. They both waits for Lan Wangji.

Lan Wangji is inside Jingshi. He immediately packed his necessary stuffs and clothes. Lan Wangji comes towards door and he stands there for a while.

"I don't know what is going on my life. I hope Wei Wuxian will release me sooner. I can just guess.", Lan Wangji thinks and he comes out.

He looks at his rabbits.

"I will tell Xichen ge to take care of you all.", Lan Wangji thinks. He pats on a rabbit's head.

Lan Wangji comes in ground where his brother and Wei Wuxian are standing with Wei Wuxian's few soldiers.

Lan Wangji comes in front of Lan Xichen and he bows to him. Lan Xichen hold Lan Wangji's hand.

"Only for few weeks. Then you will return to Gusu.", Lan Xichen says.

Lan Wangji nodes his head.

"Brother please take care of my rabbits.", Lan Wangji says in sign language.

"Okay.", Lan Xichen replies.
Lan Xichen hugs Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji back hugs Lan Xichen and they both hugs each other for two minutes.

"It's enough.", Wei Wuxian says.

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