Part Ten

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In Yunmeng

The Wen Clan starts celebrating. They killed whole Jiang family.

The guards clean the Yunmeng. They throws the dead body out from the city.

Wen Chao, Wen Xu, Wen Zhuliu and other Wen guards starts drinking. They forced lady servants of Jiangs to dance in front of everyone.

Lans didn't stay anymore in Yunmeng. They wanted to find their second prince, Lan Wangji.

Lan Qiren and his troop left to search Lan Wangji. They thought that Lan Wangji would be injured so they will easily find him in nearby places.


At other side, Wen Qing and Wen Ning starts finding Wei Wuxian and other Jiang members.

The time when Wens were throwing the bodies of Jiangs out from Yunmeng then Wen Qing and Wen Ning secretly saw them.

Wen Ning found many dead bodies.

"Jie jie!", Wen Ning says and he gets afraid.

Wen Qing looks at Wen Ning and she goes near to him. She also saw that many bodies were laying on big ground.

"Find Wei Wuxian.", Wen Qing says.

Wen Ning nodes his head. They both starts finding Wei Wuxian in between many dead bodies.

"Jie jie! I found Jiang Cheng. He is still alive.", Wen Ning says.

"Hmm!", Wen Qing replies.

Wen Qing left other bodies and then she saw Wei Wuxian's body. She runs towards him and checks his breathing. Wei Wuxian's breathing is slow.

Wen Qing feels relief because at least Wei Wuxian is alive.

"Find other bodies so we can heal them.", Wen Qing says to o her brother.

Wen Ning check everyone but they are dead. He saw Madam Yu and Jiang Fengmian's dead body. He didn't wanted to left the dead bodies there.

Wen siblings asked helped from nearby village people. Those people helped them. They took Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng inside a house.

Wen Ning takes help from people to create a dig where he can blurry dead bodies. Only Madam Yu and Jiang Fengmian's dead bodies were left.

At other side Wen Qing starts treating Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng.


Next day Wei Wuxian wakes up at noon time. He looks around and find that he is somewhere else.

Wei Wuxian's head starts aching. He tries to sit but he feels pain on his chest. Wei Wuxian again laid down on bed.

Wei Wuxian stays silent and then he remembers what happened yesterday. Wei Wuxian starts crying and shouting.

"I will kill everyone.", Wei Wuxian yells while crying. He totally gets mad.

Wei Wuxian stubbornly gets up. He is half naked because Wen Qing applied herbal medicine on his chest.

Wei Wuxian is in pain. He is physically tired but mentally he is disturbed. Wei Wuxian starts throwing everything from here to there.

"My brother, my uncle and aunt. Zhou Zishu! Wen and Lans killed my family.", Wei Wuxian screams and he starts walking towards the door.

But suddenly someone opens the door from outside the room. Wei Wuxian stops and he looks at Wen Qing. Wen Qing came inside. She hold Wei Wuxian's hand and make him sit on bed.

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