Befriending the hurricanes of life

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Summer, 2016

Fifty four, fifty five, fifty six

Jack counted the number of pushups in his head. Every once in a while, he liked to look at his dog, an Airedale terrier, he had fondly named Hurricane because he used to be an excited puppy, and was now lovingly called Harry, unless the situation demanded Jack to be stern and thus use his full name.

Harry watched Jack with worry. Jack usually exercised with a methodical vigour which was missing today. His movements were slow, more at ease as if something else was occupying his mind. Harry sniffed the air around Jack, it smelled of anxiety and Harry let out a sigh. He had been with Jack since Jack was a teenager, precisely, since Jack was sixteen.

Jack had started receiving attention from the media at a young age. The world was quick to label him as a 'cricketing prodigy' when Jack was only a boy. His parents, Anthony and Lillian wanted Jack to not take the newly found flames of fame to his head and one Friday evening while taking a stroll in the neighbourhood, they saw a young boy petting a small pup and they had an idea.

Their young boy needed a companion who would distract him from the world of cricket, every once in a while.

Jack remembered the visit to a shelter where he met many dogs, some tiny, some not. But once he saw Hurricane or Harry, he stopped. Harry was jumping inside his crate, eager to be noticed. Jack grinned as he kneeled, clearly drawn to the pup’s enthusiasm. But he was warned that the Airedale terrier loved to be a nuisance. He was stubborn and sunny in equal parts. And when Jack asked the staff lady to open the crate, Harry rushed out, exhilarated to be free. Jack ran behind him, laughing with his heart.

Lillian had looked at Anthony with relief. Her boy, their boy, was back. And a great deal of credit went to Harry.

Harry adored Jack as much as Jack adored Harry. Even more, as Harry liked to believe. He had been around many people. Mostly the Parsons and Jack's friends but he hadn't ever felt a warmer and kinder presence.

In these seven years, Harry had seen Jack grow, become more confident, funnier and wiser. He had seen him at the pinnacle of his professional life, leading an under 19 team in the world cup. He had seen him at the lowest, barren-most part of his career where the runs wouldn't come, his mind wouldn't work, a time where Jack had choked.

He had seen Jack experience different emotions. He had all of Jack's emotions neatly labelled in boxes within his head. And hence it took one sniff on his part to understand that Jack wasn't just anxious but excited. He was afraid of something and a bit sad but mostly, it seemed as if he was….Harry wondered if this was…yes…it was a feeling similar to the one he would get when he was sick. He'd know he's being taken to the doctor's and often feel even more sick until Jack's hand would brush through his hair in a fond, reassuring caress. Harry would be scared but somehow know that everything would be okay.

Maybe Jack was sick too. Sick because he was thinking too much about the future. Harry knew that Jack hadn't had a good domestic season in two years now. First due to a shoulder injury and then due to the restlessness of making a comeback.

Was he worried that the world would forget him?

Nonsense, Harry thought. Nobody could forget a boy as sweet and genuine as Jack. Surely people knew that Jack wasn't just stats and cricket, right? He too was allowed to have good days and bad days, alike, wasn't he?

Whatever this world was doing to bother him, it had to stop.

He let out a bark and Jack met his eyes.

“Yes, boy?” He asked, pausing between the workout, channelling his attention to Harry.

You’ve got this.” Harry tried to say through the bark, wagging his tail so that Jack can comprehend how proud he was of him.

And Jack knew. His eyes shone as he kind of got the gist of what Harry was saying.

I love you too, boy.” And Harry shook his head. Of course, it was always about love with this guy, although he did not mind, because in truth, he did love Jack.

More than words or barks could ever explain.


Harry had been looking at Jack for the past ten minutes and he was certain that Jack's smile had gotten wider with each passing minute.

Fascinating devices, these phones, Harry thought. He had seen people regard them with different feelings each time. Maybe it's not the phones, silly boy, but what it contains, Harry thought.

He didn't care so much about the content that Jack was reading as long as it made Jack happy.

Jack had received another email from Bhavika. The two had been in touch for two weeks now. Even though they didn't have one back and forth, fortnight long conversation, there were several little interactions that had certainly added some entertainment in their lives.

Bhavika did not trust Jack completely, he could see it in the safer, general topics she chose to write about and divulge, and he was careful to respect the newness of their correspondence.

But today, he couldn't stop smiling. Bhavika had moved on to being forthcoming about her mundane reality. She had told him….

From :
To :
Subject: I made breakfast!

Dear Jack,
I am writing to inform you of having made an Indian dish that I have had several attempts of cooking and having messed up each time, in a manner that it's edible and the way it's supposed to be.

I'm talking about poha just in case you were curious.

Turns out it's all about measurements and precision. I made it under my mother's watchful eyes which is huge because I get nervous when she looks at me and so usually she's instructed to keep a safe distance so that I can cook unbothered.

And ah. I did it finally!!! I'm probably sounding like an idiot getting all excited about something and rattling off on email but I thought what's the use of having a pen pal if we can't be excited over little things in our lives, together, right?

Oh that reminds me, how are the piano lessons going? I said it last time but I'll say it again, it's sweet of you to learn a song for your parents' anniversary.

It's next Tuesday, right?

Do take care.


Jack smiled as he watched a YouTube video to understand what Poha was and how it was made. As he finished watching it, he nodded his head, agreeing with Bhavika.

“It does seem to require precision.” He told Harry who let out a woof that made Jack chuckle, leaning in to give him a pat.

“Life’s all about trying again, isn't it?” His eyes were focused on a spot above Harry that made Harry think that Jack was not just talking about Bhavika’s email but about himself too. It seemed as if whatever that had been worrying him, perhaps his career, felt a little less daunting after this email.

"Maybe we are all required to befriend the hurricanes of our lives." Jack said, grinning at Harry.

Harry wondered who this girl was and wished that she found the same happiness that Jack did in this moment as he cuddled him, laughing with crinkles beneath his eyes.

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