Chapter 1

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"Hey, hey. Tuck, dude," Munch called from his chair. I turned and silently groaned. He had thrown on an old suit jacket that probably hadn't been worn in decades. He must have snuck it inside his overstuffed backpack. You could always count on Munch to have literally anything in his bag.

"Okay, we're rolling," Tuck confirmed as he finished setting up his camera. I rolled my brown eyes before making my way towards Alex. As soon as he saw me, a big smile crossed his face as he reached his arm up to me. I practically melted.

"Okay, hold on." Munch insisted. "B-before you go, look-look at my coat," I stifled a laugh as he played with the oversized jacket. "It's cool, huh?"

"What is that?" Tuck muttered annoyed. It had taken him about an hour to set the camera up and now here was Munch messing around.

"Can we do another take with it on though?" Munch asked hope laced throughout his voice. Alex laughed as I slid down to the ground next to him. He immediately moved as close to me as possible. Just the closeness made me feel fuzzy inside.

"No." Tuck answered firmly. A sad look crossed over Munch's face as he pulled the tan jacket off. Poor guy.

"Okay," he sighed in defeat. Both boys cleared their throats as Tuck readjusted the camera.

"Ready when you are,". I gave Munch a quick thumbs up. Next to me, Alex signed before leaning his head on my shoulder. It wasn't much but the small amount of contact caused butterflies to flutter in my stomach.

"Okay. How do I smell? Or I mean, look, or you know? Yeah, you can't smell a video. Okay," Munch stuttered out. Ruckus ran into the shot excitedly. "Ruckus, dude, you gotta get out of here,". I waved Ruckus over causing him to sit right on top of me. Alex's dog loved me almost as much as he loved Alex.

"Well I'm not going anywhere," I muttered petting the fluffy dog. Alex nodded quietly before playing with the hand that wasn't messing with Ruckus. It was a good thing that no one was paying attention to us. We weren't exactly the best at hiding our relationship. But then again, we really weren't acting that different.

"Not like I was letting you go anyway, Violet," he mumbled. His breath tickled my neck as he spoke. I did my best not to laugh. Alex and I had been together for about three months now and we had been getting less and less worried about keeping it a secret. With everyone moving, it didn't make sense to hide anymore. Besides, it wasn't like Tuck and Munch weren't a little suspicious or have some sort of hunch.

"Hi, I'm Reginald. I don't really get friends much, but it's probably because I'm a bit of..." Munch started off, the sad look returning to his face. "An acquired taste. That's what my mom says. And I'm sure whatever school I'm forced to go to no one will acquire it. So...thanks for paving a road over, really, the only place I've ever had any real friends. Okay, are we good?" He looked like he was struggling to hold back tears. I bit my lip, holding back tears of my own. Moving away was taking its toll on all of us.

"Alex your turn," Tuck called, pointing the camera at us. "We can do it here if you're too busy messing with your girlfriend to go outside,". I glared at Tuck as Alex began standing up. Tuck smirked victoriously, his camera still trained on my pouting face.

"I'm coming," Alex groaned lightly as he got to his feet and followed Tuck outside. I turned to Munch only to see him putting on his jacket again. I stood up causing Ruckus to run off.

"It isn't that ugly," he insisted to himself. I patted his back sympathetically.

"It honestly isn't, " I assured him before heading outside.Tuck had set the camera up to face the brick wall that led to the rest of the neighborhood. Our neighborhood.

"Uh, say your name," Tuck instructed as Alex played with something in his hands. Anyone else would think he didn't care, but I knew better. He was putting up his walls again. The move was messing with him more than anyone.

"I thought you knew my name," Alex pointed out, raising an eyebrow. I giggled quietly, earning an annoyed glance from Tuck. I rolled my eyes nodding towards Alex.

"You know what I mean," Tuck insisted. "For the video". Alex still didn't pay attention as he threw whatever was in his hands at me. Surprisingly, I caught it.

"Dude, we've been hanging out for years," Alex replied, a playful smirk on his face. I opened my hands to find the blue stress ball we had been passing back and forth for years.

"Come on," Munch added, coming outside. He had taken off the jacket once again. Alex turned away from the camera. From where I was standing, I could see how tense he was getting...and how close he was to breaking.

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