Chapter 2

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     "Dude, stop fronting. Just tell the camera," Tuck pushed. "You're upset, right? You don't want to move,". I gave Tuck a warning look before walking over to Alex and laying my head on his shoulder.

     "It's okay," I mumbled, discreetly kissing his cheek. The only response I got was an arm wrapping around my waist and pulling me into a hug. "Turn off the camera," I called to Tuck. He sighed slightly annoyed at the setbacks.

     "Vi, you up for your interview," Tuck asked impatiently. "Or are you guys making this a thing now". I pulled away from Alex and nodded. Tuck adjusted the camera quickly. "Ready when you are,".

     "Hey, I'm Violet aka the only one with any brains here," I joked earning a small smile from Munch. "I've lived here my whole life...I don't really have anything else to compare it to. But wherever I end up, it's not going to beat this. Nowhere will...because nowhere else has my best friends,". I sniffed quietly, fighting tears once again.

     "So thanks for taking away the only home I've ever known and the people I care about more than anything,". That did it. Tears started falling as I turned away from the camera.

     "Stop the camera," Alex ordered Tuck. The click of the recording button echoed through the yard. "Come here,". I turned only to be pulled into Alex's arms. Nobody would care now. Alex was always the first to react whenever anyone got upset. I breathed in deeply, glad for the comforting smell on his t-shirt. Light cologne, bonfire smoke, and something earthy.

     "I'm really gonna miss you guys," I choked out. Munch and Tuck immediately ran over and joined the hug. Less than two weeks and we'd all be far away from each other. No more videos. No more adventures. No more Alex, Munch, or Tuck. I wiped my tears away quickly. I would not spend the last two weeks we had left together crying.

     "We all are," Tuck agreed pulling away. "It's not goin' to be the same in New York,". Munch nodded in agreement as he wiped away tears of his own.

     "It's gonna be really different," he added with a halfhearted chuckle. Alex finally pulled away but held my hand in comfort.

     "We'll still be best friends," Alex reminded. "No matter the distance, we've always got each other,". I smiled lightly.

     "I gotta go edit the interviews," Tuck sighed breaking the tense energy. "you comin' Vi,". I nodded as Munch and Tuck walked ahead towards the stairs. Tuck couldn't be trusted with editing. If I let him, he'd make a video of my worst moments.

     "I'll come over in a bit," I called. "I promised Alex I'd help him pack,". As soon as the two were out of sight, I turned back to Alex. A crooked smile appeared on his face. I smiled back at him. I couldn't help it.

     "Can't believe it's actually happening," he mumbled pulling me towards the brick wall. I shook my head as I pulled him down into the grass.

     "I know," I agreed. "Can't believe we'll be thousands of miles apart,". I lowered my eyes. If I looked at him, I'd start crying again. Gently, he grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him.

     "It doesn't matter how far apart we are," he insisted. "We'll always be together. No matter what. I promise,". Blush crept up my face as I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him into a kiss. His arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I felt him smile against my lips before I finally pulled away.

     "How do you do that," I asked teasingly. He just smirked in response. "No seriously,".

     "How do I do what," he laughed. How could he not know the effect he had on me? I shook my head before messing his hair up. He groaned slightly, letting me go to fix it.

     "No matter what's going on, you always make me smile," I answered. It was his turn to blush now as he buried his face in my shoulder pulling me close once again. "Come on. We actually do have to get packing,".

     "There's not much to pack," he reminded me as we walked into his house. Large boxes labeled with black sharpie were stacked everywhere. I looked away quickly. Seeing everything packed up made it too real. I followed Alex up the stairs to his room. Surprisingly, his family wasn't around.

     "Where's everyone at," I asked confused, sitting on his bed. He was right, there really wasn't much to pack up. He shrugged before throwing me one of his hoodies. I pulled it on happily. Alex's hoodies were always big on me, but it honestly made it better.

     "They went to check out the new house," he answered staring at me. I blushed lightly as he sat beside me. "they'll be gone for at least a few hours". I rolled my eyes at his teasing tone. I kissed his cheek in response.

     "Reminder that I have to go help Tuck edit the video in a little bit," I pointed out laying down. Alex did the same before pulling me closer to him. I rolled around to face him.

     "He'll be fine for another couple hours," he grumbled wrapping his arms around me. I sighed in response before cuddling up closer to him. It was moments like these that made me realize just how much I was going to miss him.

     "We should make the playlist," I mumbled out sleepily. Between Alex, the bed, and the fact that I had spent a majority of the day dealing with Tuck's manic behavior and the majority of last night with nightmares, it was hard to stay awake.

     "We can do it later," Alex yawned out before kissing my forehead. "It's time for a nap,". I didn't bother fighting him. I was tired too. I glanced up quickly and smiled. Alex was already fast asleep. I was really going to miss these moments.

     It was a pretty regular thing for the two of us to fall asleep like this. If we weren't napping at his house, he was at my house in the middle of the night to help with my nightmares. I could never remember them, but I always woke up in a panic. He was always my first call when I woke up. My mom hadn't caught us least I don't think so.

     I thought back to this afternoon. More specifically, to Tuck. Too busy messing with your girlfriend. Did...did Tuck know? It wouldn't surprise me. Alex and I weren't exactly subtle and Tuck usually caught on to things pretty quickly. As if sensing my distress, Alex stirred, pulling me closer to him than I thought possible. I closed my eyes again, grateful for the boy beside me...

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