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evie was sat on the bleachers watching the guys play basketball as amerie stormed in towards spider. "spider please sell me a slap band." she asked, looking determined as ever. evie had to hand it to her, even though the whole of the school didn't like her, amerie really wanted to go to the gig.

"what? no, youre cooked, no way." spider said, unimpressed.

"dusty said i could come." amerie jutted her chin up at spider who remained unimpressed.

"why do you think he put me in charge of tickets? huh? keep tossers like you out." evie chuckled at that one, if it were down to her, spider wouldn't even be going but unfortunately he is because he's in the band.

amerie lifted up her bag and said something about transferring spider the money.

"it's gone up to eighty now," there was a pause as amerie begged, "ninety, it'll go up to one hundred in a minute." he was clearly teasing.

"listen, you mayonnaise fuck. what is your problem with me?" evie cackled out loud at the insult because it perfectly described spider, in a nutshell actually.

"you're the reason we're in sluts map bitch." spider retorted.

"well sluts is cancelled. okay, so—" everyone perked up at hearing that sluts was cancelled, even evie. "so, what else?"

spider kept the price to one hundred bucks and malakai put his slap band on amerie's wrist.

"that's cute, freshie, giving your slap band to the social outcast, real sweet." evie said, elbowing malakai in the ribs as he sat next to her.

"i'm making friends." he replied, taking a sip of his water which he placed between him and evie, the blonde taking a swig, leaving a faint smear of her lipgloss on it.

she cocked her eyebrow, placing her slap band on malakai's wrist. "keep it, freshie, i'll get another from ant for free anyway."

after school was a total nightmare, sluts really hadn't been cancelled and now evie was sitting next to malakai with her head resting in her hand.

"so, last session, we covered the social consequences of sexting. todays exercise will demonstrate how quickly your images can spread to places you really don't want them to." amerie went around the class with a piece of blue string, wrapping it around people and evie stood with the string around her wrist shooting the toilet roll cosy away from amerie towards malakai.

"catch it, freshie." evie joked as the toilet roll slid past malakai who failed to catch it. "oh, too slow." she pouted.

that evening, evie was wearing a short white slip dress and some platform heels as she walked towards the gig with a cigarette in hand. "here's my band." she stuck her wrist out to the security guard and watched behind her as amerie failed to get in.

she got into the house which was thumping with music as she saw malakai with two bottles of beer by the garden door. "hey scary." he greeted.

"evening freshie, hows it going?" she asked, both of them stepping out into the garden where it was quieter.

even in her heels, malakai was a head taller than evie who looked up at him with her big blue eyes and long lashes, god he could've melted right then and there.

"great, good party ay?" he replied, watching as evie walked backwards, still talking. "evie don't—"

there was a splash and evie was overtaken by cold water as she fell into the pool. malakai was squatting by the edge giggling, his laugh was contagious.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now