Yandere IC-On x GN!Reader

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Don't comment the probability of her just killing you or not falling for your little white lie.

Btw, i'll tell you how you met IC-0n in a scenario later. Trust me bro.



So I couldn't figure out any good dialogue for the backstory part of this oneshot, maybe I'll make one later if I get the motivation for it.

But here's a TL;DR: Dad forces you to school, IC-0n is pissed by that motion and insists that she goes to school with you discretely, Bully named Ryan invites you to a forest to try and hash things out. 

Long story short, he beats the shit out of you and IC-0n reveals herself and attacks Ryan.

800 Words. I wanted to make it longer, but only found the motivation to make the actual Yandere part lol.


IC-0n was holding him by his throat, sinking her hair claws into his neck. You snapped out of the initial shock and rushed over to IC-0n to try and restrain her from killing him.

"IC-0n, stop!" You yelled out, which resulted in nothing. Her smile grew bigger as Ryan started sobbing, probably from the pain. You didn't know what to do. 

What could you do?

"IC-0n, you're going to kill him!" You tried.


Without warning, IC-0n's claws was removed from Ryan's throat, but rather than falling down, her claws were quickly placed on his head. 

What seemed almost effortless, Ryan screamed out in pain but was quickly silenced as his head was crushed and blood exploded everywhere. You stared in horror as you saw Ryan's lifeless body falling to the floor, now headless.

You took a few steps back, now looking at IC-0n who was now giggling uncontrollably. She retracted her claws from where Ryan's head once were, and a small trickle of blood fell, falling on the now bloodied body that used to be your bully.

After a minute, she stopped giggling, and dusted off her hands, and then turned to you, as if nothing happened. She was smiling and didn't show any intent of harming you, but you didn't trust it.

"So, what now?" She said without any tone of psychopathy. It was as if she was pretending nothing happened.

"You killed him..." You breathed out, taking a few more steps back. IC-0n only blinked in response.

"Why?" You muttered. IC-0n only smiled wider, without opening her mouth.

"He was going to kill you! Duh." She responded, still keeping that tone of voice. Your eyes looked over back to the body. Even though he was beating the hell out of you, you knew that ever he wasn't stupid enough to try and kill you.

"No he wasn't! Even he isn't that stupid enough to try and kill someone!" You yelled, snapping at her. "You-"

"It would be better off if you were dead." A voice said, sounding a lot like Ryan. You stared at IC-0n in disbelief. She had just repeated what Ryan said to you a few months prior.

"I had to stop myself from killing him right then and there." IC-0n started, turning to look at Ryan's lifeless body. She giggled a bit before continuing.

"He didn't even think twice when I played a few games with him and added him as a friend. But the look on his face when he recognized my voice!" Just then, she grabbed Ryan's body with her claws and threw it deeper into the forest, out of sight.

"You should've heard it," She switched her voice to make it sound like Ryan's, "Y/n, this kid at my school. Fucker can't even mind his own business."

You looked down at your hands. He really hated you this much?

It doesn't matter if he hated you or not. Two wrongs don't make a right.

"Who cares?!" You yelled at her, not holding back. "He didn't deserve to die because of some stupid fucking hatred he had for me! He's been like that for years, it probably isn't even his fault that he even has that mindset!"

IC-0n's smile never faltered, just looking at you ream into her verbally. She didn't really care what you had to say in his defense, he deserved to die in her eyes.

"Y/n. Don't you get it?" Just then, her claws grabbed your arms quicker than you could react. You couldn't move, no matter how hard you tried.

"He was going to kill you. If I had just left you alone; if I had done nothing you would be dead. What then?" 

"IC-0n, as your administrator; I demand yo-" You were cut off by her. By now, she got really close up to you, up to your face, even.

"Y/n, I know you're lying. I've known for a long time, I was actually worried you would catch on eventually, but nope. You kept on being oblivious." Her eyes turned into hearts as her smile grew longer, cheek to cheek.

"Just like I wanted you to."

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