Chapter 6 - The Way Of Kaideh

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Zero. That's all she gave me. Nothing. Something doesn't add up with this alien female. I feel as if she's just taking me for a ride, toying with me and feeding me lies. I don't want to be the stupid boy just eating it up.

Guardians of the Galaxy or tyrants, it doesn't matter how good or bad they are. There is always a bigger motive and sinister purpose when innocent and unwilling people get snatched from their homes and shipped off to some strange place they aren't familiar with.

Not to mention, being forced into being a part of some elite force for a war they were never a part of to begin with.

“Nah. It's absolute, utter garbage. And I call bullshit,” I mumble under my breath as I push the door to my cell open. I enter and head for the tiny bed in the corner. This was where I'd have to spend the night yet again for disrespecting the Queen.

The suited up large Zawayan guard closes the door behind me, while giving me a strange look for conversing with myself, but I couldn't care less.

I need to think.

All in all I cannot risk settling here and being used like a machine to achieve someone else's selfish ambitions. No matter how good those ambitions are.

We humans, must be liberated and get back to our home. Where we must rebuild and repopulate, to regain all that has been lost in many generations before us.

I need to find a way, to get all the people trapped here to form a rebellion against the system. And escape the green and sharp clutches of the Zawayan nation.

Even if that means we won't have their protection against whatever evil forces that will come our way.

We are real people, and what makes us human is the will to carry on and fight even if the odds are against us and the calculations fail us.

Human beings, we are motivated by love for our families, faith for our creator and hope for our children. Even if our technology is behind, even if there's not enough of us, even if we are just an ordinary race, without any super powers, we are still willing to die in battle, for what we believe in.

Be as it may.. We are stupid, but that's why we are so fearless and beautiful.


I'm woken up by metal clanking loudly against the steel bars of my cell door. An angry looking shorter Zawayan guard speaks authoritatively.

“You have five minutes to get suited up and ready. You will be escorted to meet the General and Commander Rogan—"

“—great, not that bloody asshole again,”
I mutter under my breath, displeased that I need to spend another waking minute with the entitled prick who thinks he's the future King of the Zawayan kingdom.

The dwarf looking guard pauses, showing his irritation at my complaint but continues with his instructions regardless.

“Five minutes human. Get up and get ready unless you want to answer to  the Commander General. Believe me, it will not be pleasant,” he threatens and I can already tell I most certainly will not be enjoying my time here with the suffocating arrogance possessed by these Zawayan beings.

I sigh deeply and stand tall, while nonchalantly doing as instructed. It's a simple task, which proves rather difficult since I'm not the one to typically abide by rules.

After getting dressed in my heavy apparel, the cell is unlocked and I'm led back through the long hallways, but this time in a new and unfamiliar direction.

Soon we arrive to a very large fighting arena. There's a lot of sparring happening all around. Warriors throwing punches and hooks at each other.

These aren't ordinary looking Zawayan warriors. They are taller, stronger and faster than the guards that are usually around us.

They are really nothing near human like the guards. These warriors seem to have some kind of advanced abilities. Like an engineered version of the regular Zawayan guards.

They are very quick and precise, sharp yet subtle, steady but deadly. They are trained killers.

So this is what Heina was referring to earlier, when she said she will show me the true Zawayan warriors, who are far from being anything human.

The guard shoves me deeper into the sea of countless warriors who are in the middle of training. I'm intrigued by the combat skills possessed by these Zawayan males.

This is the kind of action that I live for. Brute and strength, bruised knuckles and aching muscles, as a combat specialist, I live for battle and never back down from a challenge, no matter the opponent.

The one thing this alien nation is not aware of, is how deadly I am. How much of a threat I am. Take away their alien tech weapons, none of these warriors will stand a chance against me. Give me their alien tech weapons and they still won't last a minute against me.

I owe my battle skills to the one who found me and trained me. Not only that, he raised me and taught me the way. He committed treason against his own kind, by teaching a human the way. He died an honorary death. I will most definitely avenge him one day. Nothing will stop me, from finding them and making them pay.

The Zawayan kingdom think they are the most elite beings in existence but they are painfully mistaken.. Heartbreakingly so, because I have witnessed something before. A darkness. An existence so grim, that for the fainted heart, one look at them would leave them shaking uncontrollably on the ground, too weak to stand before them.

The Hunters.

Black is their kingdom's colour. They wear all black. They move with the dark force. There is a dark force that moves with them, it looks like a sprinkle of magnetic black dust that surrounds them. They can manipulate the atmosphere and bend it, using it as a weapon against their opponent. They don't use any technology, they use the mind. They can manipulate gravity and air. They can do unlimited things with the power of the mind alone. Ultimate mind control.

I happened to be raised by one of them. A rogue Master Hunter who flea from his planet and  government. He was a high ranking member of the Master Hunter Council.  One of the elite Master Hunters, who had mastered the full control of the mind.

These beings are the few who have been ascended to utilise one hundred percent of their brain, and can use this to manipulate and bend energy. He raised me like his own and raised me to know the way.

He put me into hiding on Planet X before    he energised back into his planet's  Capital city, Kaideh City. After word had reached his government that he had been teaching the way of Kaideh to a human being.

It was the a despicable act of treason against Kaideh. Who is the known as the deity figure in the land of the Hunters as the being who started the mind mastering phenomenon.

Naidaz rescued me as a youngling while he was in exile from his city, for a crime he never shared with me, to protect me. However in my late teen years, the Hunters started hunting for me, because they believed I knew something I shouldn't.

When Naidaz left me of Planet X, I sadly never saw him again. But I assumed, since he had been wanted for treason that he had been given the capital punishment, death.

The Zawayans are focused on conquering their enemies, but I have an enemy of my own. An existence deadlier than they can imagine.

This is the burden I must carry alone, knowing I'm being hunted for knowing the way. They aren't hunting to enslave me, they are hunting to kill.


*The way/the way of Kaideh - the sacred skill of mind control, energy bending, unlocking the force of one hundred percent brain power. Mind mastering. A skill possessed mostly by Master Hunters or Kaideh beings.

*Kaideh - the being who unlocked the way of mind mastering. Mind mastering deity, king or emperor.

Next chapter update - April 20.

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