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y/n took in a deep breath as she stood outside two large, intimidating doors that lead to the office of which she had been summoned. She didn't quite know why she was so nervous, as she had been confident her entire way up the large building. Every second she spent traveling up the elevator, she hyped herself up, working through what she would say to any question that may be asked. She practiced how she would introduce herself, how she would stand and even how she would bow. She felt brave, as if she could meet the Prime Minister of Japan without a single waiver in her resolve.

So why was she so anxious now? How was meeting her new boss much more horrifying than the most important person in all of Japan? Maybe it's because she actually had to impress the man waiting behind these doors. She had already won over the co-owner of this hero agency, who had hired her in the first place, so how hard could this really be? He couldn't be that much more intense than his partner, right? The rumors had to be an exaggeration.


Sure, she had seen this man on the television, through news broadcasts showing his battles live and interviews with him. She watched his talk show appearances and the documentaries he had been in, so she felt like she should know him at least a little bit. Could he really be so different in private? Was his work personality that fake to the point that people warned her to tread carefully if she wanted to keep this position?

y/n really wanted to keep this position. Having just graduated high school two years ago, she had been trying desperately to find a job. Not an internship, but a job. Lots of hero agencies didn't pay their interns, which she didn't agree with, so she did everything she could to find steady employment. Having trained under a famous pro hero for much of her high school career, she had quite the impressive resume, especially since she continued to work for him after she graduated up until a few months ago.

She appreciated his help. He had given her so much experience and skill that she could take on to her next career, so once she felt like she had learned what she could from him, she knew it was time to move on. These last few months had been nothing but applications and interviews, all which ended up in no call backs, denials, or y/n having to turn down the position due to not enough pay or bad benefits.

But this one? It was perfect. It had high pay, amazing benefits and it was a challenging environment. With that, there were some downsides that she had to consider. The pay and benefits were amazing because the two owners were not only at the top of the charts, but they only took on hard and dangerous jobs. Even their interns - which also received a hefty paycheck - were expected to go out on the difficult jobs.

That didn't scare her. She wanted something like this, a position that would push her and make her grow into a stronger hero. So, working under the top two more intense heroes in the country? That was perfect.

Her first challenge was to walk through those doors and meet her new boss, the famous Bakugou Katsuki, head on and impress him just as she did his partner. Kirishima Eijirou was the complete opposite of Bakugou though, that much she knew, so what worked on him had very little chance of working on the hotheaded Dynamight.

She was ready. She could do this.

So, after one more deep breath, she knocked. Within a moment, she heard a gruff voice welcome her in and she ignored the twisting of her stomach as she entered. Sitting behind a large desk, the man she had admired from afar was waiting for her arrival. But as she entered, he didn't bother looking up from the paperwork he was reading, his face scrunched up in obvious annoyance.

Swallowing the lump in her throat as her nervousness grew, y/n made her way closer, stopping when she was a few feet from his desk. Deciding to try and prove her confidence, she spoke up first.

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