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monday. evie fucking hated mondays even though people were calling her tits when she walked past, the blonde giving them a bow. she was walking to the library and got caught by malakai who was in his basketball jersey.

"how's the hangover treating you?" he asked, leaning against one of the metal pillars. evie smiled up at him, her blonde hair flicking as she pushed it back.

"never even had one, i don't get em'. thanks for helping me up from my fall." she thanked him, foot scraping against the floor as she looked down at her shoes.

"you owe me now." he replied with a chuckle.

"never." evie snorted, hiding her face when she laughed, hand over her mouth to hide the smile she had.

"you wanna hang out sometime... maybe? my parents aren't home so..." he rubbed the back of his neck, clearly nervous. evie pondered for a second, taken aback, in a good way.

"yeah.. yeah i'd like that. but listen i gotta get to class so.. i'll see you in sluts?" she offered and malakai nodded, the two of them splitting off and evie tried to hide the blush on her face.

when everyone had got into sluts, evie was late opening the door. of course she had to be the last one in. "i love her blonde girl tits! i love her blonde girl tits!" spider sung, banging his hands on the table and evie did a little twirl before bowing and sitting next to malakai who tried to hide his chuckle.

"nice you finally decided to join us, evie." jojo said with a disproving stare.

"didn't you hear, miss? i'm a hartley high celeb now, i was signing autographs for my fans." she replied, tilting her chin up with a coy smile.

"anyway... so, we figured out when someone's into you, but that's just step one. right?" jojo finally started teaching, walking around the classroom. "after that, we need to find out what they might be comfortable doing sexually."

the chairs shuffled and ant, dusty, missy and spider crammed onto the table with malakai and evie. "after that, we need to find out what they might be comfortable doing sexually. say 'rimming' one more time, darren, i'm going to ask you to leave." everyone chuckled at that.

"cool, so what are some ways of communicating with our partner in that space?" jojo asked.

"morse code, on her clitty." ant and spider mocked morse code sounds and cash threw a piece of paper at them, making evie laugh.

"okay... no. but what about asking for guidance? something like... uh, show me where you want me to touch you." jojo suggested and ant made a crude joke, making evie slap his arm. "okay, let's split into our designated groups and work through the consent exercises attached." everyone groaned.

ant, amerie, missy, spider, dusty, evie and malakai sat at one of the classrooms at the back.

"hey heard there was some mess at your house after the party?" malakai asked and dusty ran a hand across his face.

"yeah, it was an insane night. like someone stole my dads car and crashed it into a shop off heeley street, would love to know the asshole who did it."

"probably amerie, she's been doing some insane batshit crazy stuff lately." evie muttered and spider snorted, amerie looking crestfallen.

"jonathan likes amanda. he asks for her number, amanda feels pressured to give it to him even though she doesn't feel the same way." missy read out the scenario.

"convince her with a dick pic?" spider suggested and evie rolled her eyes.

"what did amanda do to deserve that?" everyone cackled at malakai, evie covering her mouth to stifle her chuckle.

"she'd have to zoom in to see yours." spider retorted.

"and she'd have to put glasses and a microscope to see yours." evie replied and flipped off spider who did the same thing back.

"this is classy." missy grumbled.

"my dick pics are classy, i use the sepia filter," malakai responded, looking proud of himself and evie snorted.

"you see, i like to use the snapchat dog filter so that my dick has a tongue. double the pleasure." spider said, clearly thinking he was all biblical.

the guys went around laughing about their dicks and she saw amerie staring all of the guys before she slapped herself in the face.

"so fucking weird." evie shook her head with a laugh, exiting the class on her own to go and grab a coke from her locker before walking to the library.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now