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evie was walking around the school, seeing malakai with a basketball around the court. "one-on-one." malakai said, following evie around the fence. she had a slight smile, a small blush covering her cheeks.

"i'm shit at basketball." she replied.

"come on, let me teach you, i'm a boss teacher. you won't suck if you let me give you a lesson, come on." malakai threw evie the ball and she caught it, chuckling a little.

"i'm not in the right outfit for this." it's true, evie was wearing a thin flowy top and low waist jeans.

"take this then." malakai took off his jersey and pulled it over evie's head and she put it on with a laugh. she looked and saw malakai's torso, a light sheen of sweat on it and she bit the inside of her lip, cursing herself not to look at him even more.

they ran around the court, evie failing miserably to score any baskets and malakai laughing at her in the process.

"you were right, you're shit." he admitted breathlessly.

"i told you. i thought you were a boss teacher." she said, crossing her arms with a cocked eyebrow.

"i am. i'm gonna teach spider to eat shit at the trials this weekend, it's a spot on the district that we're both going to." he replied with a cocky smirk.

"you'll smash him, spiders too cocky." evie replied, taking off malakai's jersey and handing it back to him. her shirt rode up a little, showing the curve of her under boob and malakai couldn't help but stare.

"you know," he took a step closer, "basketballs not the only thing i'm a boss at either." they were chest to chest now, evie looking up at malakai through her big blue eyes.

"yeah? you'll have to show me sometime." evie replied with a coy smile, tilting her chin up a little where her lips brushed his. "see you later freshie." she had a seductive tone of voice before going to the other side of the court and grabbing her bag, leaving malakai speechless as her hips swayed and she walked out of the court.

that evening, evie was sitting on the couch watching old neighbours reruns, and eating some popcorn when the door bust open and mike was making out with some random woman.

"she's not here it's fine." mike mumbled to the woman he was with who asked if evie was in the house. "go upstairs i'll meet you." he told the woman who giggled as mike slapped her ass, the brunette running up the stairs.

"dad what the fuck." evie hissed and turned around to face her dad who looked like a deer in headlights. "we made a rule, no women on school nights dickhead!" she exclaimed but in a smaller voice.

"look.. i didn't think she'd come back. can you get out of the house for a bit?" he asked politely and evie rolled her eyes, shoving her crocs on and grabbing her coat. "thanks kid, i'll get us breakfast in the morning my treat."

"you owe me you shit." evie replied, closing the door quietly before walking to ants house, seeing that all of the lights are off she went to the place she thought she was most welcomed.

evie's knuckles tapped rhythmically on the glass panels of the door. "hey?" malakai responded and evie gave him a small smile.

"can i come in?" she asked softly, wringing her hands together.

"yeah, come in." malakai opened the door wider with a friendly smile and evie walked in. "you all good?"

"yeah, dads got a woman over and i didn't wanna hear all of that." evie traced her fingers around a statue of a horse sitting on his mantle. "plus, i thought i'd take you up on that offer to hang out, if you're not busy?" she turned to face him and malakai had a permanent smile etched on his face.

"yeah, come." he nodded his head to the staircase and evie followed him up the oak stairs to his bedroom. there were posters on the wall, plants, his clothes hung up neatly. "if i had known you were coming i would've saved you some food." malakai said as evie sat on the edge of his bed.

"nah you're alright don't worry, i'm the snack brigade." evie pulled out a pack of tim tams and some lays. "your room is nice, it's pretty and cosy." the blonde complimented, kicking her crocs off.

"thanks." he said bashfully, beginning to ramble about a movie.

evie was wearing long pyjama pants and a thin tanktop, her coat hanging off of malakai's chair in the corner of the room.

"you're rambling." evie pointed out and malakai's hand brushed the back of his neck, fumbling around with the basketball in his other hand.

"sorry." he chuckled.

"it's okay, it's cute."

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now