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When jake and david left after lunch

Rosè when into her room after cleaning the dining table

She change her clothes and a comfy nightsuit

Then she started studying

After some time

Dad came back home from office and as usual rosè helped her mom for setting table

At that time david also came home after he dropped jake to his home and he has errand to run so he came back after doing his work

When they all started eating and talking

Rosè's mom told about jake that he came for lunch and that he's such a good and handsome boy and he is well mannered and david and jake are good friends

And his dad was impressed by jake and he wanted to meet him to see that handsome boy.

And rosè was feeling shy and blushing and chukling while eating because her mom was impressed by jake.

And they all finished there dinner and rosè helped her mom and went back to her room and she was preparing to go to bed

And she sat on the stuyding table and she opened her dairy and started writing

Dear diary,

Today i am feeling happy and lil bit confused i don't know why i am smiling all the time without knowing any reason and when i think about him suddenly my heartbeat will start beating so fast some time. I think i am falling in love with him... He has brown eyes and he so tall and when i shook his hand my heart skipped a beat and when we made eye contact and i was falling into his eyes again and again like a river and while seeing him it looks like universe has stopped around me and i kept falling for him
And i don't know what to do about my feeling...

While writing dairy his flashback were coming and his voice were ecoing in my ear and she slapped herself on her cheek and said

"stopp rosè what are you thinkingg just go to sleep."

After writing her dairy she went to sleep

On the same day
Jake's pov

When david dropped him at home

Jake said

"Thank bro, for the lunch and for dropping me home."

David replied,

"No worries bro its all alright when ever there is problem call me okayy!! "

Then jake replied

"Yepp bro "

and jake invited david to his house

And they both went into his house

As they enter

Jake called his mom and introduces to david
And they both greeted each other.

After that david and jake started talking and jake's mom brought some snacks for them

And suddenly jake said that

"It was nice meeting you all and your mom is sweet and your sister she is cute and sweet
She is your younger sister right?
Do you guys both fights alot?"

And david replied

"Oh! It is also nice meeting you and your mom is sweet
Yeah she is my cute lil sister
And i always tease and annoy her. I love to tease her and she is so precious to me in the whole world and she is our lil princess of our house."

Jake was listening to his every word and they both laughed

After that david left from jake's house

Next moring...

Rosè woke up and she got freshen up and she wore black tshirt underneath and wore grey jacket with a denim jeans and did a minimal makeup and let her hairs open

Rosè woke up and she got freshen up and she wore black tshirt underneath and wore grey jacket with a denim jeans and did a minimal makeup and let her hairs open

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then got downstair to eat breakfast.

Then she ate her breakfast and left for college.

When she enter her classroom
She saw luna and they both waved their hand in the air and then rosè went to her seat.

In middle of the classes she used to get zoned out alot and luna got confused and she saw her multiple time that she kept zoning out in the class and laughing by herself.

And she called rosè multiple time but rosè didn't replied

Then luna pushed slowed and rosè got scared for a bit and asked her

"what happened luna? Why are you pushing me ? "

Luna replied.

"you dumbhead rosè.i called
your name multiple time but u didn't answer me."

"why are you zoning out in the class and laughing by yourself ? Is there any thing that keep bothering you or is there any joke in your head?"

Then rosè replied

"Noo, when i was laughing and zoned out in the class !?"

You liar, tell me rosè what happened said luna.

Rosè replied

" I think i'm faling in...

(Soon the next part will be updated )

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