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I have one masterplan for you...

what masterpaln luna ????

you just wait rose . I'll tell you

If you want to win jake's heart you must know some tips

what tips???

tips to win someone's heart...

okay listen rose tip no 1

don't tell him that u like him straight away!

looks for signs too! it takes time

no 2 compliment him just randomly when he least expect it tell him u like their hair today

no 3 give him a nick name

no 4 dont change your personality just to make him to "like u more" be yourself ? if he don't like u then it's his loss

no 5 have little inside jokes with eachother

no 6 smile at him when u walk past him

no 7 make him feel heard! when he make jokes,laugh. when he talk to you listen

okayyy stop lunaa omg i don't want so many tips i'll handle it how to make him mine...

ohhh okay its your choice do what u want to do . but do remember these tips okayy???

after some time they both left to their house

meanwhile jake:-

he made a call to david

hello david

hello jake what happen bro??

no nothing i have something to tell u

yeah tell me what happen ???

so, by mistake rose's mobile got broken bye me

how ??

its a long story ill tell u later, so i am sending you some money give it to rose . don't tell to rose that i have given u money okay ???

okayy !!! but no need i'll make her mobile get repair

no david i am feeling guilty i am sending you some money okay !!

later that evening rose got home

Mom i'm home


yes mom

go get freshen up

okayy mom

then david called rose

rose come here ...

yesss what happen david ?

here take this

he gave her some money

money?? but why??

just take this i heard your phone got broken down

yes,but how do u know ?did jake told you?

yess just take it rose and get your phone repaired

but i told him that i'll take care of money but he didn't listen...

don't worry just take i don't know about you two !!!

then she took money and got in her room and got freshen up and wore her night suit at that time the dinner was ready then she got down and ate her dinner

After 2 days

she got her her mobile repaired and at that day jake came to their house to meet david

then she listen jake voice and she went downstairs hurry . As she came down she look a glance at jake and then suddenly jake also looked at her and in actions he waved his hand and said hello and she gave him a little smile and said hello in actions too

and she came and sat on sofa and jake asked her about her mobile

so, did you got repaired your mobile??

yes i got it today , but why did you pay money jake it was no need

then he chuckled and said,

no worries i'm glad that u got your mobile repaired

then they both smiled

david and jake made a plan to hangout and jake asked her to join

Rose, we are going out you wanna join ???

umm but will it be okay if i join ???

then suddenly david said

there is no problem i am there but u have only 5 minutes to get ready otherwise we will leave you here only

wait whatt only 5 minutes ??? david wait i am coming

Then rose ran upstairs to get ready

meanwhile jake was smiling at both of them

She got ready and wore black croptop and wore white shirt on to and did a minimal makeup and let her hair leave open and she came down fastly and they all left for cafe

when as they enter the cafe jake open the door for rose and they all sat on the tables and gave their order and their coffee's got served

They all were talking and suddenly started looking at jake he was looking around and she was staring at him and she was mesmerized by his look and by his eyes ,his hair, his voice and his way of talking

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They all were talking and suddenly started looking at jake he was looking around and she was staring at him and she was mesmerized by his look and by his eyes ,his hair, his voice and his way of talking

and sudden jake took a glance at her and she immediately looked away and jake caught her that she is looking at her and when she looked at him and he was staring at her and he raised his one eyebrow and laughed at her and she got startled and look...

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and sudden jake took a glance at her and she immediately looked away and jake caught her that she is looking at her and when she looked at him and he was staring at her and he raised his one eyebrow and laughed at her and she got startled and looked away her started drinking her coffee in embarrassment.After they finished their coffee they all left and david and rose came back home after they droped jake

Soon the next part will be updated

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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