Chapter 1

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October 31, 1981 - end of the first wizarding war. Voldemort disappears.
It was July 1991. Lenore Davidson heard something tapping at her window, and that's when she saw an owl laying on the windowsill a parchment letter with a purple wax seal. She hurried to open it and read its contents.
'Dear Miss Davidson,
We are pleased to inform you that you are eligible to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Enclosed you will find a list of all the textbooks and equipment needed.
The school year will begin on September 1. We look forward to receiving your owl no later than July 31.
First-year students must have:
-Three plain (black) work uniforms;
-A plain-colored (black) pointed hat for the day;
-A pair of protective gloves (made of dragon skin or similar);
-A winter coat (black with silver frogs).
N.B. All students' clothing must be marked with a name tag.
All students should have a copy of the following texts:
-Manual of Spells, Volume One, by Miranda Goshawk;
-History of Magic, by Bathilda Bagshot;
-Theory of Magic, by Adalbert Waffling;
-Practical Guide to Transfiguration for Beginners, by Emeric Switch;
-Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, by Phyllida Spore;
-Magical Infusions and Potions, by Arsenius Jigger;
-The Fantastic Beasts: where to find them, by Newt Scamander;
-The Dark Forces: a guide to self-defense, by Quentin Trimble;
Other Accessories:
-1 wand;
-1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2);
-1 set of glass or crystal test tubes;
-brass balance;
Pupils may also bring an owl, OR a cat, OR a toad.
Best Regards,
Minerva McGonagall, Vice Principal'

Lenore sprang to her feet, and all excited, headed for the living room, holding her letter.
«Mom! Mom. Look here! My letter has arrived!» Marianne, her mother, read the contents of the letter, and a big smile lit up her face, «Very good! Next week we'll go to Diagon Alley to shop then!»
Lenore took to prancing in utter elation around the living room, while her mother watched her, leaning against the doorframe. She was really happy that her daughter could finally attend the same school that she also attended twenty years earlier. «My little witch!» She commented, as she watched her amuse herself by prancing here and there around the room.
A week and a half later, she had everything she needed: a brand-new uniform, her books, her personal owl (a latte-colored barn owl), and even her wand. When she arrived in front of Olivander's entrance, her mother explained that that store was very special, as it had sold every wand that entered Hogwarts up to that time. She entered, as if enchanted, inside the gloomy little store, and made her way to the counter. Moments later, an older, tall gentleman in a pair of prescription glasses approached her from the opposite side.
«Ah, Miss Davidson, I knew I'd see you pass this way sooner or later» he said, almost amused. «You know, I still remember when I sold your mother her first wand» he said in a melancholy tone, but also somewhat proud.
She had her try on any number of wands, until she put one in her hand that was more special than the others. Hawthorn wood and unicorn horsehair heart, flexible. «It seems that this wand has chosen her very own mistress...» He pressed the gentleman thoughtfully. «What a curious fact. I sold one of the same wood just now. You must really be a peculiar person for this wand to have chosen you, Miss Davidson.»
The elder's gaze locked on Lenore's, as if to warn her. «I trust you will take good care of this wand and be extremely careful in using it. You know, every wand is special, no two are alike...» he explained.
«...And each element, from the core to the wood, has a quality that makes the wand as unique as its owner.» He said with an amused look. «Remember well that it is the wand that chooses the wizard, not the other way around. Each wand is special and as loyal to its owner as he will be to them.»
Having said that, Lenore pocketed the wand, after examining it carefully: it was 30cm long, and all around it were engraved squiggles fading toward the tip. She greeted old Garrick Olivander with a polite 'Goodbye' and left the store. When she returned to Marianne, she told her all about it, and flaunted her first wand proudly.

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