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evie woke up the next morning with malakai's arm strung around her waist, they were all cuddled up together, evie stirring awake slowly but malakai's alarm woke her up, the brunette getting out of bed to turn it off.

"you got somewhere to be?" evie asked drowsily, sitting up in bed with malakai's shirt on.

"nah, we're all good." he got back into bed and gave evie a soft kiss. "you okay, you don't like... you don't regret what happened last night?" he asked, a vulnerable look on his face.

"not at all. if i did i would've left in the middle of the night." she teased. "do you?" she cocked her head, leaning over to grab a bottle of water from his bedside table.

"nah never." he responded, warm hand on evie's bare thigh. "i'm glad you don't." his thumb rubbed patterns on her leg and evie smiled contentedly.

they laid in silence for a bit, evie scrolling through malakai's phone on tiktok and malakai watching with his head on her shoulder. a few hours went by and evie stretched a little, her phone finally turning on from being dead and she saw a mass of texts from her dad.

hey kid where are you? i
thought we were gonna have
breakfast this morning

you didn't come back last
night either. did you spend
the night at 🐜?

were you being safe




evangelija holloway answer
your phone now before i go
to ants house and drag you
out of there myself

why have i just come back
from ants house and you aren't

where are u?

??? evie

"shit." the blonde cursed. "my phone was dead and i didn't see his texts. oh i'm so dead." she rubbed her forehead and put on her clothes quickly, leaving malakai in bed confused as anything before he saw the texts her dad sent.

"oh shit. do you want me to walk you home and explain that you stayed here last night?" malakai offered and evie's phone started ringing. "it's your dad." he passed it out to evie who frantically snatched it.

"hey dad, yeah sorry i just woke up my phone was dead." malakai watched intently as evie put her socks on in expert time. "yeah... yeah i stayed at missy's last night because all of the lights were off at ants... yep... yeah i'm on my way now... okay love you.. yeah bye." she hung up and flopped on the bed.

"you want me to walk you back?" malakai asked, putting his clothes on.

evie sat up on the bed and used the spray on deodorant that malakai passed her. "thank you, but no, i gotta run because missy lives like ten minutes away from my house and this is like... a ten minute run rather than a walk. but thank you." the blonde rushed out of the room and malakai stood there, dumbfounded.

she quickly rushed back into the room and pecked malakai on the lips. "thank you for last night, it was amazing." she kissed him again and he heard her feet hitting the oak stairs as she ran. "bye malakai! i'll see you in school!" the door slammed and evie set off at a run back to her house.

when she opened the door breathlessly, the woman was sitting on the couch and mike was shoving his face with evie's cereal.

"welcome home stranger." mike greeted, holding his fist out for evie to bump. she did and prayed to god she did not smell of sex. "you reek." he commented.

"of what?" evie asked, trying to not seek panicked.

"sweat. did you run? jesus." he waved his hand in front of his nose.

"haha fuckhead." she slapped the back of her dads head. "i'm evie, by the way." she held her hand out to the woman sitting awkwardly on the couch.

"jessica, your dad has told me a lot about you," jessica greeted and evie smiled warmly. she was pretty, really pretty, long brown hair and a big smile. "sorry to crash like this we had a late night and your dad offered me a sleepover.. if that's okay with you?"

evie snatched up the box of cereal from mike and sat on the other couch. "yeah that's fine with me as long as you can put up with him snoring all night." evie chuckled at her own joke.

"it's bad right! i might have to buy some earplugs." jessica laughed along with evie who sent her dad a sly thumbs up behind the cereal box.

"see dad i told you it was bad. i've been telling him for years and he literally never believes me." someone knocked at the door and evie cocked her eyebrow, her dad going to answer it.

"hey evie you left your... oh." malakai saw that it in fact wasn't evie at the door it was her dad.

"oh.. oh god. dad this is malakai, malakai this is mike, my dad." evie's eye twitched that her dad decided to answer the door for once.

"nice to meet you." malakai held out his hand and evie mentally died inside.

"nice to meet you too, you wanna come in?" mike offered and evie prayed malakai would say no to save the awkwardness.

mike opened the door and walked into the living room where jessica was waiting for him.

"not that i don't want you to be but why are you here?" evie asked quietly, closing the door behind them.

"i didn't see the car!" malakai defended. "i thought he wasn't here.. you left these by the way." evie snatched her pink underwear from malakai's hand and threw them in the dirty laundry basket.

"come in and let us talk to malakai, eves, don't hog your mate." mike called and evie palmed her forehead.

"you so owe me." evie pointed at malakai before pecking him on the lips. "owe me so good." she grimaced before putting on a fake smile and waltzing into the front room with her dad waiting and malakai in tow.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now