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the next monday at school, evie went into sluts and sat at her table with malakai, spider, and ant like usual. but they were all giving her funny looks, apart from malakai who was acting all normal. evie sat down next to him, throwing a sandwich to spider across the table as she opened her bottle of water.

"morning sluts." she greeted, leaning back in her chair. "ant you're such a snitch when you told my dad i wasn't at your house." evie insulted, taking a sip of water.

"no you were at malakai's." spider wiggled his eyebrows and evie shrugged. "we heard about your little sexcapade." he was trying to get to evie and she didn't care, what she did with her life was what she wanted to do.

"you're just jealous it wasn't you." she retorted, feeling malakai's hand on her leg under the table.

"it was once upon a time." he sighed, clearly reminiscing. "you got my sloppy seconds malakai."

"you came in thirty seconds, i know it's your only recurring wet dream, insect." evie insulted before the police came through the door.

"oh shit, five-o, shelve your pingers, cash." spider called out, clearly just trying to get on cash's nerves.

"shelve your kiddie porn, rock spider." everyone giggled at that one.

there was a guy speaking and evie kind of drowned it out, too tired to even care. she was up all the night before with her dad and jessica watching movies and eating junk food and then they went to the bar and played some pool.

the groups were split off and evie said bye to the guys before sitting at the back of the class on her own, too in her own head to talk to sasha, or, to deal with her.

"this program is a young woman's guide to survival. we call it.. rack off." evie rose her eyebrow. "sexual assault is a sad reality for far too many young women and rack off is designed to equip you with the tools and the knowledge to assist in preventing it."

evie went pale. she felt amerie's gaze on her, way to make it obvious. she drowned out everything the police guy was saying, about the psychology of an offender, about why they do the things they do and evie felt like everything was a blur.

"so now you know the psychology of an offender, their selection process, it's time to learn how to get them to... rack off." everyone looked bored but evie was too busy trying to calm herself down to even think about the class. "uh.. so now i'm going to demonstrate some simple self-defence moves that you can practise on eachother. so who wants to be a volunteer."

evie thought he picked out harper who was sitting in front of her, but when harper moved, he was pointing at evie. "no. no i'm good thanks." evie crossed her arms and sat back in her chair.

"come on it's not optional." he called evie up one more time, everyone chanting her name apart from amerie. "right so i'm gonna grab you from behind, okay?"

evie felt his arms go around her neck from behind and her throat felt tight, she had pins and needles, she was having a panic attack. she had flashbacks of that night. that night when she was ten walking the streets at night coming home from the shop when an older guy approached her.

the blonde was naive at the time, thought he was only asking for directions until he pulled her into a dark alley and used his hand to muffle her cries of pain and anguish when he pulled down her pants. when he hit her head against the wall so hard she passed out and woke up covered in blood.

"get off." she said to the retired policeman. "get off." she repeated feeling tears cloud her vision.

"they won't listen if you tell them to get off, you need to find a way to get out of this." the policeman replied.

evie elbowed the man in the ribs and kicked him in the balls, running to her bag and then running out of the gym on her own.

tears streaked down evie's face as she ran past the group of guys outside with the other policeman. the blonde sat in the abandoned stairwell, clutching her chest and wiping her eyes furiously.

"evie?" a voice called and evie looked up to see amerie standing there. "hey, are you okay?" amerie was the only one who knew, evie was on her way to amerie's house that night, usually it was safe, they lived in a safe neighbourhood, nothing ever happened. it just was the wrong place at the wrong time.

amerie sat with her arm around evie as the blonde cried, calming down from her panic attack but still crying nonetheless.

"why? why did he have to pick me, couldn't he have picked anyone else?" the blonde managed to splutter out, both about the man who plagued her nightmares and the man who picked her for self defence today.

"it's alright. it's not your fault evie, it was never your fault." amerie was softly rubbing evie's arm so she would calm down and once the blonde was calm, they walked back to sluts.

evie sat wordlessly at the table with malakai and the guys who looked concerned from when they saw her running.

"umm.. tell me something you all learnt in here today." jojo asked, walking to the front of the class.

"ten thousand steps miss. it's all it takes for me to become a tank." ant flexed his muscles and some of the guys chuckled.

"you didn't get taught the same sexual assault thing as we did?" sasha pointed out and evie flinched at the words, she didn't think anyone would notice.

malakai shook his head when evie looked at him. "that's bullshit." amerie called out.

"we don't need it, alright? we are all feminists here, yeah? we know how to ask for consent. we use protection. i mean, malakai the pullout king, he just cums on himself. how's that for equality?" spider looked at evie for some witty insult but she just stayed silent. "what evie? you too proud to admit that you slept with malakai—"

"spider i swear to fucking god." evie threatened, she was far too upset to let spider get to her, usually she would be anyway but now? every word was digging into her skin.

"ah sorry eves was he not good? or are you just used to double dicking?" that was the one that sent evie over the edge, she unscrewed her water bottle and threw the contents of it over spider, throwing the empty bottle at his head before she roughly shoved the table and left the room.

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