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"hey.. hey." evie crouched next to malakai who was crying on the floor, she pulled him to her chest whilst dusty and harper stood the other side of him. "you're safe now, you're safe. we got you okay, come on. help me get him up."

harper and dusty helped evie get malakai off of the floor, wrapping his arms around their shoulders as they walked to evie's house. "i can.. he can come and stay with me tonight." evie suggested feeling malakai's head heavy on her shoulder.

"you need some alone time to chill after what happened tonight eves." dusty responded, wrapping malakai's arm around his shoulder. "go home, rest." he suggested and evie nodded slowly, too inebriated to even comprehend what was going on as she walked home in the dark.

they didn't really address what happened. evie and malakai walked silently to school together hand in hand, evie had spent the weekend at malakai's house and she wore a pair of his boxers, his sweater and a pair of his jeans to school. they were too big for malakai anyway, they fit perfectly baggy but low waisted on evie who wore one of his sweaters.

they'd seen the video over the weekend, evie letting malakai lay on her chest as he cried about the ordeal and evie laying on his and crying when she told him what happened when she was a kid.

they walked through the halls, hearing the video being played as harper exited one of the classrooms. "malakai, eves." harper called. "that video is messed up. i just wanted to see how you're doing, both of you." she asked sincerely and evie just stayed quiet, letting malakai speak for them.

"i don't remember much, i was pretty drunk ay. i think i'd rather just forget it." evie nodded in agreement to what malakai said, about the cops.

"forget what?" harper cocked her head.

amerie was down the hall and evie huffed. "i gotta go, yeah? but i'll see you at break or in sluts." she hummed, pressing a kiss to malakai's lips. "if anyone makes any jokes, text me, i'll fucking fight them." she joked and malakai chuckled a little, pressing another chaste kiss to evie's lips before he went down the corridor.

a couple of hours after was assembly, evie sitting between harper and dusty, the former who was holding her hand because she knew how stressed evie was especially when she saw ant and spider whispering to eachother.

"good morning, everybody. so i have an announcement, it's really very thrilling. hartley high has been selected to kick off the city of sydney inter school basketball semi finals." some people clapped and evie just looked when she saw malakai entering the room late. "which will garner some much-needed positive attention after the map debacle."

after drowning out whatever woodsy said about cleaning up the school, evie was sitting alone when dusty went to sit next to her.

"hey eves." dusty greeted and evie smiled at him. "you all good?" she nodded. "you're quiet today... hey about what happened after mardi gras.. you're not like.. you're not mad at me and harps right?" he asked and evie shook her head.

"i'm not mad." she replied.

"nah it's just cause we sent you home and.. yeah" he asked, opening a bottle of water and passing it to evie.

"no i was.. i was fine with it, don't worry your pretty little head about it dusty. now come on, we have sluts."

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now