Chapter 12:Sarah Jane Winchester's trip in the TARDIS

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a few years later 9 year old Sarah Jane Winchester is packing her book bag and zips the book bag up as she walking to her bed and grabs her favorite stuff bunny rabbit that her mom gave her for Christmas as she hugged her stuff bunny as she hears a knock on her bedroom door as she turned around to see her big sister Ruby Winchester as she runs to her.

"morning sissy." Sarah Jane said as Sarah always call her big sister sissy while growing up.

"morning Sarah Jane and are you ready to go for your first trip inside the TARDIS?" Ruby asked her.

"yes, and where is Mom?" Sarah Jane wondered.

"she's waiting for us outside of the TARDIS and I was just checking if you already pack." Ruby said.

"I am and I just want my bunny with me." Sarah Jane also said while holding her stuff bunny rabbit.

"and you know what Sarah?" Ruby asked her.

"what sissy?" Sarah wondered.

"I found a quiet spot for me, you and Mom for we can spread our angel wings in private." Ruby told her.

"cool!" Sarah said with excitement in her voice.

"and I take it that you love this idea?" Ruby asked.

"I do and will my angel wings get big just like you and Mom?" Sarah asked.

"yes, but wait for a couple of more years Sarah and your angel wings will grow and be bigger just like me and Mom" Ruby answered.

Ruby's angel wings show as Sarah giggles and smiles at the same time knowing that she loves her big sister showing her angel wings.

"let's get going and Mom is waiting for us and I hope we can get great sunny weather for going outside" Ruby told her little sister as both Ruby and Sarah Jane walked out of Sarah's bedroom as they walked towards the hallway as seeing the TARDIS as Sarah walked towards to her mother and hugged her.

"hi Mommy." Sarah said to her.

"hi Sarah and are you ready for the trip?" Mary asked her.

"I am and I brought my stuff bunny rabbit to go with me." Sarah answered.

"why you go to your room in the TARDIS and me and your sister will be there in a minute ok?" Mary asked.

"ok Mommy.* Sarah said.

Mary turned to her older daughter Ruby and Ruby look at her.

"what?" Ruby asked.

"did you tell Sarah Jane about the surprise?" Mary wondered.

"I did and she is excited about it and she's is just worried just one thing Mom, and before you asked here, is that Sarah Jane is worried about her angel wings are too small." Ruby told her.

"did you tell her it will grow once she is getting older?" Mary asked about it.

"I did." Ruby answered.

Mary smiled as she looks at her watch and sees the it is almost 1:00 in the afternoon.

"let's get going and knowing Sarah Jane, she is already in her room in the TARDIS." Mary said.

"you forgot she always say hi to Padme first before she gets to her room." Ruby reminded her mother.

"that too." Mary said as she now remembers.

both Mary and Ruby goes inside the TARDIS as Padme is sitting on the couch with her parents Matt and Rose as they see they are talking to Amy Pond's hologram as Mary looks for Sarah.

"is Sarah in her room?" Mary asked Matt and Rose.

"no, she wanted to go in the library and read." Rose answered.

"ok, and since this is her first trip in the TARDIS and having a day with my daughters is so... refreshing for me and this right up there with both Ruby's and Sarah Jane's birth." Mary said with a smile on her face.

"so, what are your plans for today Mary?" Matt wondered.

"well, me along with Ruby and Sarah Jane have the day to ourselves and have our angel wings out and I don't know after that." Mary replied.

"that is great and can I make a recommendation though?" Rose asked Mary.

"what's that Rose?" Mary wondered.

"make a vacation out of it and since this is for you and with Ruby and Sarah Jane." Rose suggested it to Mary.

Mary thinking about Rose's idea and looking at her and smiled at her.

"not a bad idea Rose and I will ask Ruby and Sarah Jane and what they say about it." Mary said.

"so you like the idea then?" Rose wondered.

"Yes and thank you Rose for that idea." Mary said.

"no problem Mary." Rose also said.

Mary walked out the console room in the TARDIS as she heading towards to the library and sees Sarah Jane in the library and sees Sarah looking for a book to read as she also sees Ruby sitting on a chair.

"girls can I talk to both of you about something?" Mary asked both of her daughters.

"sure Mom." Ruby answered as both Ruby and Sarah Jane walked towards to Mary.

"what is it Mommy?" Sarah Jane said.

"I was just got done talking to Rose and she suggested that that, me and the both of you two have a vacation out of what we are going to do today and what you think....have a vacation just the three of us?" Mary said as both Ruby and Sarah Jane looks at each other.

"sure Mom and is the TARDIS still be there with us?" Ruby wondered about it.

"I will ask both Matt and Rose about it Ruby." Mary told her.

"I hope we sleep in our own rooms also?" Sarah Jane also asked.

"we will Sarah Jane." Mary assured her.

"good, I didn't like sleeping in the tent during summer camp last year." Sarah Jane said as she remembered the long summer that she had.

"I know Sarah." Mary also said.

"at least you had to ride a horse trail during that Sarah." Ruby reminded her little sister about the horse trail she liked.

"that's the only good thing during that." Sarah Jane said.

"Sarah Jane, this time you be with us and I will look for a horse trail during our vacation." Mary said to her.

"thanks Mommy." Sarah Jane said.

"your welcome Sarah Jane." Mary also said.

A/N: I am writing a new story and you already guessed that the next story will be Mary's pregnancy and the birth of Sarah Jane Winchester.

Chapter 13 soon.

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