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evie was finally ready to make her return to school and of course her first class was sluts. "listen peeps, this isn't a guessing game. it's an exercise in normalising out what?" jojo asked as evie sat down beside malakai. spider, dusty and ant were sitting on the desks and they all gave her some sort of hi, hello or greeting.

"wants and needs." everyone echoed. "who's first? harper?" the buzzcut wearing blonde made her way up to the box and pulled one out.

"i have to know the person properly before i have sex with them." harper said and everyone agreed it was pretty common.

"i can only cum to house music." sasha read out and everyone deduced that it was probably ant.

missy's turn was next and she pulled out a piece of paper. "harper likes getting double dicked by dusty and malakai." evie went pale. "who the fuck wrote this?"

spider was sent out for laughing and evie looked at malakai who was just looking down at the table. "malakai.." evie and malakai weren't together, it was true, but everyone knew they liked each other. "harper? dusty?" the blonde looked over at her friends who were dead silent. "you little slut."

evie went to stand up and malakai grabbed her arm.

"get the fuck off me malakai!" the blonde yelled and amerie grabbed evie as well to restrain her. "get off of me!" her eyes were welling up now at all of the hands on her, everyone touching her it felt like the world was caving in.

"evie! office now!" jojo shouted and evie finally freed herself from amerie and malakai's grip, the latter sitting back at the table as evie snatched up her things to go to the office.

spider started laughing, malakai throwing himself out of his chair to get to spider but dusty and ant grabbed him before.

"it's boring. you think it's original to fight over boys and call eachother names? it's not." jojo berated and evie stood there with her chin high, knowing she clearly didn't do anything wrong.

"i didn't do anything wrong jojo." evie replied, crossing her arms. "it wasn't me who had a threesome with the guy my one friend liked." she insulted and harper just looked down at her feet.

"it's been a constant problem all term whether it's you two and amerie or just you two. the world expects this sort of behaviour from young women and you're proving them exactly right. so i'm just asking you both, do better for your own sake." jojo finished and harper asked if they could leave but they were told to go and fix up the classroom.

evie was flipping the chairs and putting them on the tables to clean up the classroom. harper was stood staring at evie who was blank faced, cleaning.

"you guys aren't together. i know how it looks but i was just trying to help." harper tried to reason with evie who didn't even look at her.

the blonde sighed at the girl she used to call her friend before turning to her. "just because we aren't together doesn't mean you can use him to get your dick wet." she replied.

"he was completely alone." harper looked down at her phone which just went off and evie clenched her jaw.

"no. he wasn't. he was going to come with me and you and dusty said he should come with you guys because i was too upset." evie properly turned to harper who was getting her stuff together to leave the classroom. "you know, harper, i'm only realising i don't even know who you are."

"so apparently dusty was put off by me having sex with malakai. can't believe him." harper paused when she noticed the girls didn't say anything. "something wrong?" evie was sitting with missy and sasha much to her dismay about the former.

"so malakai gets assaulted by a cop and your first thought is to sleep with him?" missy stated and evie rose her eyebrows. "he needed help harps."

"that's what i was trying to do." harper reasoned and evie just bit her tongue.

"are you seriously slut shaming me right now?" evie stood up from the grass to grab her things.

"we don't care that you guys had a threesome. i read the ethical slut when i was six years old. evie liked him." sasha berated.

"they aren't together!" harper responded and evie finally spoke up.

"it doesn't fucking matter! how would you like it if i went and fucked around with dusty?" evie finally snapped.

"i didn't plan any of this we were all really fucked up." harper tried to reason with the trio of girls on the grass but evie was having none of it.

missy looked over at evie who was sullen. "nah, still fucked up aye." harper snatched her bag off of the floor at missy's comment and stalked off.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now