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"welcome to the inter school basketball finals!" woodsy announced and the school mascot, bin chicken, or the commonly known ibis was running around the court. evie kind of drowned out everything else until she saw malakai come into the gym and she screamed loudly for him, pointing to the back of her jersey which said mitchell on it.

"let's go malakai!!" she shouted loud and proud for her situationship and he gave her that crowd charming smile.

malakai missed a direct shot and evie frowned for him. there was a break during the half time and evie watched as malakai walked out, the blonde went to grab her things and heard spider talking shit, watching as harper grabbed the microphone.

"hey dusty, i just wanted to um, take a minute to apologise for... what did you call it? ah 'wanting it too much' yeah. i'm really sorry that i enjoyed myself in a consensual threesome that you initiated. and i'm sorry that he made me cum so hard i saw another dimension. let me ask you something, did you ghost me because that's the first real orgasm you've ever seen?" the crowd went insane as harper berated dusty but evie really felt for him.

she watched as harper left and evie went over to dusty and apologised softly before following harper out to find malakai.

she found him sitting in the sluts classroom still in his basketball top. "hey. hey what's up?" evie asked, sitting next to malakai who looked absolutely fucking distraught.

"i just.. i can't. evie i can't do this anymore i can't." he said, brushing her arm off. "i just need a break, i need a break from us, from everything." he muttered and evie nodded. "i'm sorry."

"don't apologise for your mental health malakai. it's okay." she said quietly, echoing malakai's words from a few weeks before. "i'm here as a friend who cares, okay?"

"thank you for understanding." evie paused for a second, twiddling her thumbs. "what?" he asked.

"i.. i need to tell you something you might not want to hear." she said quietly and malakai nodded for her to go on. "i don't know the situation fully, i get that. but i think.. i think harper and dusty took advantage of you." she said, frowning a little and as malakai began to spoke up evie put her hand up. "not with malicious intent but you were high on a really strong drug which means you couldn't properly give consent-"

"evie—" malakai went to cut evie off and she put her hand up to stop him.

"not to mention you were already in a stressful situation with the cops and.. i just don't know why they did it. i get it they were drunk but they were nowhere near as bad as you, or me, or amerie." the blonde finished.

"i feel disgusted with myself." malakai admitted. "that's why i didn't tell you." he paused. "i know what it is."

evie didn't say anything, just pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back. "i'm so sorry malakai."

a few days later, they were in sluts and jojo instructed that they were to play stuck in the mud and they had to do laps to start. amerie got evie straight away and she just sat on the floor.

"i want you to start thinking about an unfair power balance.."

evie drowned her out until spider started to get involved. "you know what's unfair? the fact this entire school is out to get anyone with a pair of nuts between their legs. i get detention for looking the wrong way and harper gets a pat on the back for publicly shitting on dusty you wonder why he doesn't rock up." of course he was on a rant.

"look around no one's feeling sorry for you or dusty, stop trying to act like the victim." jojo berated and put spider in his place before he uttered something under his breath.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now