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The heat was once again unforgiving on the morning of the Fourth; the official holiday that the weekend getaway had been leading up to finally upon them. Bodies hadn't rolled off of comfortable couches any longer than two hours ago, but already were coarse grains of sand coating toes and harsh salty waves crashed against waists warm from the air. The sun remained uncovered, the endless abyss of blue skies a delicate account to the unfolding summer months. In just eight weeks, the abysmal reign of heat and humidity would be long behind the occupants of Taylor's private beach front, but for the next thirty hours, Emma willed herself to focus solely on the present, and the pungent aroma of marijuana that trailed through the air.

Her gaze trailed over toward the expanse of shore in a weak attempt to identify which of Taylor's friends had lit up, though she should've assumed it was Cara and Alana initially. The two were farther back than the others, who had all frolicked into the sea without reservations almost twenty minutes ago, and had huddled together beside the cliff-side staircase that led up to Taylor's property indiscreetly. She laughed softly when Cara's sharp blue eyes fell upon her, and persistently the dirty blonde model waved her over, joint hanging between her lips.

The first thing asked when she approached was delivered by Alana, who grabbed the joint between two fingers and raised it to her lips with a practiced ease. It came as no surprise to Emma, who had only met these two women four days prior, that they'd be the ones to be huddled up somewhere discreet like teenagers. The fact that they were smoking was blatantly obvious, but somehow it felt imperative that it be kept something secret; it was always more enjoyable that way, if only to fed the stereotype.

"You smoke?" Was what Alana had asked, because in all fairness, Emma didn't exactly seem the type to roll her own blunt or smoke a bowl. She didn't entertain the question however, rather reached for the joint when Alana had finished her drag and raised it to her own lips, letting her eyes flutter closed as she pulled in the smoke. "Alright, stupid question." Alana laughed, nodding her head encouragingly when Emma exhaled the smoke.

"I don't as much anymore, but I've still got some tricks up my sleeve." Emma smirked, a dangerous glint swimming within her indigo eyes as she and Alana began a competition of who could impress Cara the most. Alana had won, but only because on her third rip, Taylor had decided to sneak up behind the unsuspecting brit and assault her waist with wiggling fingers.

"Christ, Taylor!" Emma shrieked as she was lifted off the ground and spun around in a tight circle, a kaleidoscope of blue's and beige's swirling in her vision, Cara and Alana laughing at the sight of the blondes. "You scared the bloody shite outta me!"

Taylor giggled infectiously as she shrugged with feigned innocence despite the daggers of mischief piercing her eyes. When Emma was returned to her own naked feet, sand and rocks digging into the soles of her skin, the musician wrapped her up in a tight embrace, draping her arms across the actresses shoulders and leaning into her warm body. "Isn't it a little early for this?"

"Definitely." Cara smirked uncaringly, her baby blue eyes trailing over Emma's relaxed stature as she took another hit, body melting into Taylor contently. "Kar was meant to be joining before she and Josh split. Think they've gotten lost in each other's eyes over there." Cara tutted smugly, feigning disgust as attention was briefly directed over to where Karlie and her boyfriend stood lip-locked in the ocean, their wet shimmering limbs tanged together.

"I can't believe you've abandoned our bathroom hotbox session for Karlie and Josh!" Taylor laughed softly, squeezing Emma tightly around her waist when the blonde lazily smiled up at her.

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