Chapter XXIV

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"Now, dear. What would you like?"

The two were sitting at the bar together. Despite the fact that Husk wasn't here, they were having a good time. Lucifer was the one taking care of the drinks and he was really good at it. Both were having a good Irish whiskey, drinking it slowly, especially since this was no cheap booze. "You know, I'm proud of you that you managed to cut back on the alcohol." The fallen angel spoke with a genuine smile on his lips before taking another small sip. The bars lights fell onto (Y/N) so perfectly, reflecting ever so slightly on her hair and clothes giving her a golden and almost holy glow. Her tiny hands were gripping the glass and held it tight to her chest and to be honest, it looked adorable. "Thanks... I.. I still struggle with that.. I think I will for quite a long time to come, but... I'm glad you noticed." (Y/N)s smile looked so real for once and she was letting her true self show. It was so sweet, but also melancholic and hurt at the same time.

"What I meant to ask you for some time now, Lucifer... We never actually met your wife. I've seen paintings of her, she is beautiful. Why not bring her around?", The woman asked after taking a sip of the whiskey herself, the beverage burning in her mouth and throat. Lucifers smile vanished and he turned away, putting his glass onto the bar counter. A dread was in the air and (Y/N) immediately knew she said something wrong. "Did I-", she was interrupted by Lucifer, his voice full of hurt at the sudden mention of his ex-wife Lilith. He honestly didn't want to talk about her, but that was one part of letting go and getting himself back together. Plus, he was drunk and was much more open than he would normally be.

"She... Lilith left me, almost 8 years ago... All she left behind were the divorce papers. I don't know why I still kept the ring for such a long time..." Lucifer hides his face in his arms resting on the bar counter, one hand gripping his blonde hair before he kept talking. "I just miss her so much, I spend eons with her... I know things weren't going too great between us ever since Charlie was born, but... I would have never dreamed of her leaving without a word...", the fallen angels whole body was shaking. It was clear that this whole topic was taking a toll on him, even after 8 years. But what are 8 years in relation to eons? (Y/N) felt her heart sink, knowing she made him go through this. Sure, he was basically single, but it seemed Lucifer still needed to let go and the woman didn't want to force herself onto him, even if she did have a chance with him.

"I'm so sorry, Lucifer, I shouldn't have asked...", the sinner spoke softly and patted his back soothingly. "No, it's- it's fine... It's good I'm finally talking about this to someone... Thank you for listening to an old angel like me ramble... I just... I miss how it was back when she wasn't so distant and everything was going well..." Lucifer raised his head slightly, giving her a sad smile. The alcohol was taking an effect on him, and it was clear from his movements and body language. He was slouched over slightly, and he spoke a bit slower than usual. Did he struggle with alcohol as well? "Do you wanna tell me about it?" Lucifer shook his head and shoved the glass of whiskey away from him, almost making it fall off the counter. At least he knew his limits. "No, a distraction would be better. Tell me about yourself. How was... living?"

(Y/N) pressed her lips together for a moment. That was unexpected, but the alcohol in her veins made her more open as well. "Well, what exactly do you wanna know?", "Anything you would deem interesting" He was not making this easier, was he? "Uhm.. Okay. I.. Well.. uh... My childhood dream was to become an artist. Turns out, most artists don't do that for a living and I didn't want to disappoint my parents by living with them for the rest of their lives, so I had to let that go." Lucifer kept nodding, signaling the Sinner that he was listening, so she kept going. "I moved out into a different city when I was 18, leaving my friends and family behind to live with my boyfriend. I started as a florist, which could explain my... floral powers??", an amused chuckle left the angel's lips. "Oh yeah, how's it going with those so far?" – "I didn't really try them out that much yet. But the horns have disappeared again." Another nod of understanding came from Lucifer and he straightened his back again. "So you were a florist? How was that? Must be nice to be surrounded by flowers all day long." (Y/N) shook her head. "The flowers are nice, sure, but I worked in a bigger store and I didn't have a single minute to rest on my shifts, except for breaks. I always had to socialize and talk with customers, keeping a smile on my lips. After a 9 hour shift, this get's really exhausting." That seemed to be news to Lucifer. "No free minute? Was the pay good at least?". The woman shook her head again and rested her head on her arm, sighing. "Sadly not..."

The talking went on for another few hours and the time went by too fast. It was about 2 am when the two looked at the time and realized how long they had been talking already. Lucifer was completely drunk, he alone had finished 2 bottles of whiskey because it took too much to get him drunk. He was a giggling mess by now, leaning close to the short woman as he listened to some of her stories about the shenanigans she got into with her friends, back when she was a teenager. "You were a real trouble maker, weren't you? It's a miracle you never got caught." A laugh escaped (Y/N)s lips and she leaned forward, just like him. "I did get caught once and it resulted in me breaking a few bones. That was a fun experience." In the state both of them were, they could only keep laughing and telling each other more about themselves, though in the back of their minds, they reminded themselves to keep too private things to themselves.

"I think we should hit the hay for tonight.", Lucifer finally spoke and got up off his bar stool, stumbling slightly until he found his balance. "I have decided to escort the lady to her quarters, if she approves.", he said and bowed down before taking her hand and guiding her down her own bar stool. "Very much so, dear sir", (Y/N) had to chuckle from how silly but sweet he was at the moment and she gladly accepted his help. It felt nice to be cared for in this way, especially by Lucifer and it caused butterflies to flutter in the woman's stomach. The fallen angel held his arm out for her to take it and she gladly did. Both were drunk and leaned against one another while walking. Despite his efforts, it was clear how tired Lucifer was and when they finally arrived at (Y/N)s room, she smiled up at him and asked: "Are you sure you'll find your way to your room? My bed should be big enough for two, if it's only for one night. I don't want to have to worry about you falling down a set of stairs.", "I... uhm... I mean..." Lucifer didn't know how to respond to that nice offer and smiled awkwardly, before he stepped inside.

"You know what? I don't see why not.."


Sorry this chapter took so long, Moon is still on vacation and doens't always have time. Anyways, have a good day!

Writing: Moon

Inspiration: Polaris

Simping: Us both

Wordcount: 1347

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