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amerie was back and spider was already making stupid comments. "ah, can't believe the gronk is back, shouldn't you be in therapy or something?" spider commented. "show us on the doll where she flicked your bean." he put on a poor german accent and evie slapped him on the back of the head.

"do you ever stop talking shit?" dusty snapped. "seriously man it didn't even happen so just shut the fuck up."

evie still couldn't even look at dusty. what he did, how he acted, it was shameful.

no one could hear what amerie said but when she slammed harper on the wall, evie frowned a little especially when amerie screamed out that harper was a fucking liar.

"i mean... i'd do the same thing if someone wrote on a desk that i fucked the teacher." evie said, leaning on ant who was eating a sausage roll, handing it out to evie who took a bite.

they were sat in sluts, evie at the back with spider, dusty and ant, sharing a table with the latter, considering her usual partner in crime wasn't in school. "i thought sluts was finally cancelled." she mumbled to ant and dusty agreed.

"get off the table spencer. okay, are we a full contingent today? where's malakai?" woodsy asked and evie's heart kind of had a pang of sadness at the mention of his name.

"he's not here miss he's gone my country." missy replied.

"oh, like overseas?" ant asked and evie just palmed her face. "what?" ant said to her defensively and evie just sighed at him.

"no, the bush." missy replied and spider snickered.

"did you have an extra bowl of stupid this morning anthony?" woodsy insulted and evie drowned her out until a picture of someone's vagina came up on the screen.

"this is a yeast infection." and the screen flipped again and showed a yeast infection on a penis. "it happens on male genitalia too. a disease that understands equality and inclusion better than some of you. it is caused by unprotected sex and poor personal hygiene."

"ant would have it." evie insulted and ant hit her arm.

a while later, evie was sitting in the library. "hey eves you coming to this protest?" missy asked and evie nodded, shrugging a little. "cool."

everyone filed out of the classroom and evie just sat on woodsy's desk watching spider flash his ass out of the window as amerie spoke over the intercom.

her mind was clouded with malakai, how was he doing? what was he doing?

"chips and lollies ant? seriously? and you didn't even get any water? idiot." evie scolded but still took herself a pack of timtams.

everyone heard ant's mum and amerie's mum over the megaphone. "hey eves, you got your spare set of keys? i lost mine at work and i need to get in." evie heard her dad call through the megaphone.

"what an idiot." evie sighed and went to the window. "can you catch them?" she shouted.

"yeah chuck em down for me. hey you want me to bring you a maccas later?" he shouted and evie put her thumbs up, listening back to the info from her friends as she threw the keys down to her dad.

"yeah can you bring spider a big mac meal, ant wants nuggets... just look at your phone i'll text you and transfer the money!" she shouted again before closing the window.

that night, evie was sitting curled up next to ant who was eating orange peels. "why do you act like such a fucking freak." she hissed.

she saw sasha talking to quinni who was non verbal at that moment. "i can't be hated by you, quinni." sasha said, sounding like a guilt trip.

"just leave her alone sasha is it not clear she doesn't wanna be sitting with you, just fuck off." evie snapped and sasha just rolled her eyes, leaving quinni alone and evie smiled at quinni before leaning on ant.

later that night, her and ant ended up spooning laying next to eachother with an inflatable dick as a pillow. "come on bug boy." evie opened her arm for spider to go and join her and ant.

they ended up all spooning, spider, evie and ant all together.

the next morning, evie was sitting in woodsy's office in her chair on her phone, completely ignoring dusty.

"say it dusty i need to hear you say it!" amerie stormed in, shouting, getting right into dusty's face.

"what?" dusty questioned looking all innocent with his big blue eyes.

"that you fucked me over just to get out of doing a class, that you made up the rumour about me and jojo... actually that the whole thing was your idea!" the brunette explained and dusty went silent. "say it!" she screeched in his face and dusty got up wordlessly, evie's jaw dropping at her friends actions.

"dusty.. why?" evie asked and dusty just shrugged. "you can do better than a shrug. is that why you were acting into amerie? because you didn't want her to suspect that you'd done it?" the blonde asked, standing in front of dusty.


the blonde clenched her jaw as dusty tried to use his puppy eyes on her. "no, don't evie me. you did, you fucking did." she jabbed her finger in his chest. "i thought you were better than this, and you." evie turned to spider. "actually.. no i expected this from you, but you?" evie turned back to dusty. "fuck you dusty. i can't believe someone i trusted enough to call my friend would do some stupid shit like this."

everything finished, evie greeting jojo before hugging her dad before they went home, her mind still on malakai.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now