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evie walked into school not expecting to see malakai sitting at his desk in sluts. "malakai." evie breathed out. it was the last day of first term and they only had one class that day, of course it was sluts. "you're back." she pointed out obviously.

"yeah.. i'm back." he smiled at evie. "miss me?" he asked and evie nodded at him. "good."

he was blunter than evie would've expected but what do you expect when he basically had a mental breakdown and tried to throw himself off of amerie's roof.

"what is everyone's summer plans? evie you go first." jojo said and evie groaned.

"i'm going to north macedonia with my dad for the summer to visit my nan." she announced and spider whistled. "eat my cock spider." the blonde flipped off her mate.

"why are you going to north macedonia? it's not even gonna be sunny." ant asked and evie just banged her head on the table.

"because i'm half north macedonian dickhead. my name is literally evangelija?" she cocked her head at ant. "how did you not know my name was evangelija you fucking idiot my god."

everyone laughed at ant's stupidity. "even i knew that." jojo commented and evie flipped off ant who was glaring at her.

the blonde drowned out the other people talking about where they were going, just knowing school would thankfully be over soon and evie could just go home and relax.

"hey eves we're going to the beach later if you wanna come?" amarie asked and evie smiled.

"that would be nice, thanks ams." the blonde gave her a thumbs up and swiftly followed malakai out of the classroom, following him into the supply closet where he cocked his head for them to chat.

"hey scary." he greeted and evie felt this warm feeling in her heart at him finally talking to her again, like normal.

"hey freshie... well, not such a freshie anymore are you? what shall i call you now?" she cocked her head, tapping her chin and malakai had this contagious giggle which evie went along with. "how are you?" evie asked, a serious tone in her voice.

"i'm good, better. jai and missy really helped me out." he replied, twirling a lock of evie's blonde locks around his finger. "you wanna.. you wanna hang out later? just us? like old times." he asked, voice slightly nervous.

"actually... amerie, harper and a couple of other people are going to the beach tonight if you wanna come? they invited me and amerie and i have just started to become friends again and—"

evie was cut off by malakai pressing a kiss to her lips. "you're rambling." he pointed out with a coy smile. "i'll be there." he nodded and exited the supply closet leaving evie totally stunned.

that evening, evie got to the beach to see everyone already sitting there. she had a white bikini on and some low waisted tiny shorts as a cover up. "hey fuckheads, i didn't miss the party did i?" she asked, sitting next to malakai on the rocks. he put his arm around her shoulders and kissed evie's temple.

"nah never." harper replied. everything was good, evie loved it. she was still shifty as anything about harper, rightfully so but if malakai was okay to be around her then so was evie.

everyone stood up on the pier and held hands, getting ready to jump in the water and as they did, evie squealed at how cold it was. "oh my god i'm freezing!" she squeaked and malakai grabbed her waist under the water, pulling her to him.

"why is it warm? oh my god amerie did you pee?!" darren squealed and everyone quickly swam out of the water in fits of giggles.

evie laid on her towel on the sand with malakai next to her and harper on the other side. "i missed you guys." the blonde admitted. "sorry for kicking your ass ams." everyone reminisced on the memory from the graveyard night.

"it's alright. i deserved it anyway. sorry for putting you guys on the incest map." amerie said and everyone kind of shrugged it off.

later that evening, evie and malakai were walking together, hands clasped as they opened the door to malakai's house.

there was no one home, so the teens rushed upstairs, antsy to get eachothers clothes off. they spent all night wrapped up in each other not caring about anything but themselves.

the next morning malakai woke up to see no evie and a little note next to his bed.

i had to go and catch my flight freshie i'm sorry i didn't wake you but you looked so peaceful. i'll be back before you know it so don't miss me too much.

ps. i wouldn't open your camera roll around anyone because i don't want anyone else to see my noodles.

don't go catching chlamydia without me! <3

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now