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tw: sexual assault.

the bunker. always good fun as the music played. evie was standing with quinni, darren, amerie and harper not really listening to them as she saw spider shove into malakai. "watch it, bug boy." evie spat to the taller guy.

"what if i don't, pear?" spider said, getting chest to chest with evie who shoved him back. "someone grew a backbone over the summer ay?" he teased.

"someone still didn't grow a beard over the summer, did you? suck my dick." evie went off, dragging malakai to go and dance.

"i really did miss you." he admitted, feeling evie's arms around his neck as they danced to whatever club style music was on. "a lot." he kissed evie softly.

"i missed you too, pretty boy." she grinned, swaying to the music. "i'll be back, hold on. talk to rowan! hi rowan bye rowan." she pulled malakai over to rowan when she saw sasha standing in front of darren and darren looking like they were about to cry.

"— i'm glad harper is so forgiving but what about all of the other survivors you're sending a message to." evie heard sasha say as she walked over. clearly spreading her propaganda about her class captaincy. 

"here's an idea sasha, bite your ass." evie snapped before disappearing to go and find malakai again.

he was chatting away to rowan and evie went over to them with a soft smile. "hey." the blonde greeted, squeezing malakai's arm. "what are we talking about?"

"how rowan here hasn't ever done a days work on a farm." malakai replied with a chuckle. "look, see how soft his hands are."

evie took one of rowan's hands and stroked it softly. "shit man you've got nicer hands than me." she complimented, thumb rubbing back and forth on the skin. "so why'd you move here then?" the blonde asked, leaning against malakai who had his arm around her shoulder.

rowan went silent for a second. "uh just.. just fancied the move really." he replied and evie could tell he felt kind of awkward.

"party at my place next week by the way, costume since darren decided it would be." evie interjected to save rowan from the awkwardness. "i mean if you wanna keep up with the farm core jokes you could always come as a cowboy." the blonde joked and rowan chuckled.

"i was thinking about ditching the best but.. i dunno i think i gotta keep it now." rowan replied which caused malakai to laugh. "think my favourite nickname was shatagonia."

this caused evie to chuckle then, hiding her face in malakai's arm. "i used to get called tits, i think i'd prefer farm core." the blonde said, reminiscing on the gig at dusty's old place.

"tits?" rowan cocked his head and evie subconsciously pulled up her top, malakai noticing so he pulled her closer.

"yeah my um.. uh.." she trailed off a little, feeling like rowan's eyes were everywhere on her body, she was imagining it of course he was making eye contact with her but malakai took it upon himself to put his jacket around her shoulders. "thanks." she squeezed his arm. "yeah so spider, ant and our other friend.. sort of. anyway yeah they were in a band and they wrote a song about my blonde girl tits so for like a month after that everyone was calling me tits." she explained and rowan laughed.

"i think i'd prefer farm core too." rowan said and trailed off with an awkward laugh. "have you lived here your whole life?" he asked and evie nodded, taking a sip of malakai's beer.

"yeah born and raised, unlike you two i'm the odd one out." the blonde zipped up malakai's jacket and feigned a shiver. "hey i'm probably gonna head home, got class early and i have to walk cause dads working away, but it was nice speaking to you rowan." evie gave him a smile and turned to malakai.

he pulled her aside for a second. "you want me to walk you home?" he asked and evie paused for a second.

"nah, you don't have to i'd feel bad leaving rowan alone." evie muttered, hands playing with malakai's fingers. "you wanna walk to school together tomorrow? i can stop by your house and we can go from there." she offered.

"sounds good. you wanna hang out tomorrow?" he asked and evie nodded. "cool. i'll see you in the morning then scary." he gave evie a kiss on the forehead.

"see you in the morning freshie." she waved at him as she exited the bunker.

in all honesty, evie should've taken up malakai's offer to walk her home since it was down a sketchy backroad and then through the suburbs but evie just kept walking even though she was slightly drunk from the bunker activities.

a couple cars went past and nothing major, evie scrolling through her phone to respond from texts from amerie and quinni. she was still wearing malakai's jacket, frowning when she realised he'd have to walk home in the cold.

slowly, a car pulled up beside evie and she didn't recognise the man inside or his friend in the passenger seat.

"you want a ride?" he asked and evie felt sketched out immediately.

"nah i'm all good my dads just up the road." evie replied, picking up the pace a bit faster but wobbling a little bit on the uneven gravel of the road.

the guy looked forward and saw no other cars on the road, evie with her head down as she frantically tried to call someone but she had no signal. fucking shitty phone.

"i don't see anyone. just get in we'll give ya a ride. go on go and get the door for her." the man instructed his friend as the car stopped, evie still walking with frustration in her eyes.

it all happened in a split second. her hair being grabbed as she let out a scream, fighting back against being dragged into the car but the punch she caught to the face was enough to have almost knocked her out.

"no. please don't. please." she begged, feeling like her hair was being ripped from her scalp as the man pulled up her skirt. "please stop." the blonde pleaded through cries.

evie had the taste of blood in her mouth, metallic and thick. she felt the cut on her forehead, her busted lip. she heard the man talk about using a dommy and gloves, no proof.

no proof.

everything felt numb as evie tried to block out what was happening to her, the degrading words, the laughs. she felt herself pee, a trauma response she guessed and the man slapped her around for doing so. she felt the blood tricking down her legs, heard him ripping the fabric of her skirt.

it felt like an eternity until the man pulled out, the car door opening as evie was thrown out onto the street.

she was five minutes from her house but instead the blonde turned around and begun walking to amerie's house. she didn't want to be alone. the nightmares would plague her. you could see the blood on her skirt on the white silk fabric, the tear in her clothes, the way her lip was split open and her temple had a cut on it.

"scary?" malakai called out, seeing the blonde stumble across the streets. she didn't respond, eyes cloudy and her whole body feeling numb. "evie." she stood still with her arms wrapped around her, a bruise already forming on her arm and throat, a black eye casting a looming shadow on her face.

"malakai." she managed to choke out, silent tears running down her face, stinging the cut on her cheekbone.

malakai rushed over to evie who looked ready to crumple to the floor. "what happened? hey. you're with me, you're safe what happened?" she couldn't make words, only clung onto malakai as they walked to her house.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now