Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

In lunch break I met with Alex. He had two free hours so we decided to go shopping for tonight's dinner. I had already spoken to Daniel. Ar first he was very hesitant because he still doesn't like Alex, but then he gave up and said he'll be there. I didn't tell him that Cass will be there.

Alex and I decided to make some chicken and vegetables. And for the dessert, we thought about some fruits and ice-cream with vanilla sauce. We found some good looking chicken, we took some potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, aubergine. I let Alex choose the wine. I picked up some apples, pinapple, grapes, melon, pears, peaches.

Alex let me out at the building and drive off to home. He said he will get it all home before he goes back to work.

This morning's meeting was very long. It lasted for about 4 hours. When it all finished, I think everyone was happy to get out of the meeting room.

But now, I had an hour to do some work before the next meeting.

The hour before the meeting flew very quickly. When all the important people were in the meeting room, I closed the door and gave everyone a folder with some documents.

I wasn't paying much attention to what were they talking about. I was too occupied thinking about Cassandra and Daniel. Thanks God nobody asked me any questions.

After the meeting was over, Charlotte and I went to her office.

"Ok, so the contract is ready. You have to make an appointment with Greg Rinner. Tell him that the contract is ready and we can sign it tomorrow. Ask him the time. It would be great if it would be before 12 PM." Charlotte said. I just nodded.

"Since this was a hard day, you just have to go through these papers, check if everything's alright and put them in alphabetical order. Then come back to me." Charlotte said and I again just nodded.

I left Charlotte's office and went over to my desk. I took the phone and dialed Greg Rinner.

"Greg Rinner's, the CEO of Rinner Corp., assistant Casy Raynolds. How may I help you?" A girl's voice answered at the other end of the line. I have heard this voise somewhere before. But where?

"Hello. I am calling from Haulden Inc...." I started.

After we had set an appointment tomorrow at 11AM I started thinking. I have heard that voice before. And the name - Casy. I have heard it somewhere. But where? Do I know someone names Casy? Casy Raynolds?

I started checking the pile of documents. I actually found some mistakes in a few of the folders. I took them and went to Charlotte's office. I knocked on the door and opened them.

Charlotte was talking on the phone and looked stressed. Very stressed. I wonder what is going on. I haven't seen her like this. Ever. I took a seat across her and waited for her to end the call.

"... Yes, thank you for telling me... Yes, I understand... Goodbye." Charlotte said and ended the call. She looked awfull.

"Melanie! Did you finish everything?" Charlotte asked.

"Umm... almost. I found some mistakes in these three folders." I asnwered. "Charlotte, is everything ok? You look awfull." I stated.

"No. Everything is not ok. We just lost something. " Charlote said." Jaxon Richards from Richards & Sons just called me and said thad they will not work with us. Apparently they have found someone else to work with.

I tried to say that we could talk again about what they want but he said that they are giving them better options and more advantages and everything else. " Charlotte continued.

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