5. Crybaby

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Your heart is too big for your body

That's why you don't fit inside

"Oh Grim~ get your little furball, feline, greedy ass back here!" You chanted, running with Deuce, Ace, and Yuu, disregarding the strange stares you received from other students.

You noticed a tall one, he had long thick hair the color of the soil, but that wasn't his most defining trait to you. You scrunched up your face and frowned.

"Can't even escape the furries"

You didn't stop to see his reaction since he obviously heard it.

You four finally reached the cafeteria, you kicked the door open, your sharp eyes falling onto the jumping stormy grey cat.


"Haha! Catch me if you can~" The feline teased, hopping further into the cafeteria. Taking one final leap of faith into the chandelier.

"Hey! Going on the chandelier is such a cheating move!" Deuce yelled, pointing an accusatory finger at the cat.

"It doesn't matter if it's cheating darling" you sneered, pulling out your phone from your messenger bag again, it physically made Grim flinch. (To your benefit)

"Ugh! Not now!" You raged, your phone's screen flickered with the dying battery symbol before completely turning off. 'I don't even know how to use the fucking pen!' You frowned harder, you turned to the others.

"Any of you geniuses have any-"

You were cut off when Ace suddenly got lifted into the air, he was flailing around, you turned to Deuce, who had his pen out, his face had 'nervous wreck' written all over it.

"Deuce, what the fuck?! Did we not just learn this?!" You yelled, you were appalled at the flying Ace, and your uneasy feeling only enhanced when Ace got closer and closer to the chandelier where Grim was.

"Take aim... fire!"

"We're not in a fucking game!"

Your eyes widened when Ace actually made it onto the chandelier, but that didn't overshadow the feeling of dread that washed over you when you saw the chandelier dangle side to side.

"Watch out!" You warned, Yuu immediately took cover by a table, you grabbed Deuce's hand and dragged him away from the chandelier, and like you expected.

The chandelier fell.

After the ceiling accessory fell, you stood up, still holding Deuce's wrist as you gazed on the broken chandelier.

Your free hand gripped your messenger bag, everyone looked down at the mess in sheer horror.

"Are you crazy?!" Ace said, standing up amidst the clutter, turning to Deuce before screaming at the top of his lungs, startling everyone but you.

"Are you an idiot?!"

"What will we do if Headmaster finds out?!"

"If I...?"

An unfamiliar feeling of horror, dread, and despair just gutted you as you heard that normally annoying voice of the headmaster rung in all of your ears.


"You couldn't stop at the damaged statue?!" You hadn't see Crowley this expressive, but you had your own rage to deal with.

𝕋𝕎𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔼𝔻 ℍ𝔼𝔸𝕍𝔼ℕ [HIATUS] ➼Twisted Wonderland x Hazbin! F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now