8. Wife

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Want me as your wife but she is mmm mmm mmm

Wife, I make you feel so high


"Ah, so you're all the fresh faces I have for first period hmm" Your professor looked up from his desk, he had striking black and white hair, black eyeshadow coating his eyelids, and he wears a very extra thick fur coat. 'Interesting color palette, but he pulls it off so what the hell' you reviewed in your head. '8 out of 10'

"I see we have some unnatural hair in here, remember to take care of it well" the man instructed, some eyes in the room immediately were drawn to you since y'know, you had three different colors in your hair, and no one knew if it was actually natural.

"Well, I am Divus Crewel, feel free to call me Master Divus Crewel, now, let's start with the basics shall we?"

You pulled out a notebook and started to write down whatever, doodling designs of clothes in the corners of your pages, whatever going on around you making you reminisce when you went to fashion college, when you were alive. You sighed and kept noting things down, doodling a Vox and Valentino making out in the corner of your first page making you smile lightly. 'Wonder how those two fuckers are doing now?'

You had shitty memory so you bit your lip when Ace pointed out that the class required a lot of memory and attentiveness, but you just drew symbols to associate and remember the material, and prayed that your future self would make sense of it. Your friends however, didn't seem as put together as you were, hell, you weren't even sure if they even took notes.


'Oh god, more symbols' you groaned when you walked into the room, an old looking hag with a very fluffy cat sat at the front of the classroom. Your professor had a major bitch face and a straight forward attitude, earning an 7 out of 10 from you, but you found the cat adorable for how moody it looked.

"I am Professor Trein, and I'm in charge for your history lessons. This is my familiar, Lucious" the professor introduced himself, you already yawned on your way to your desk, but this is history. You either learn about the interesting but horrible shit countries have committed, learn past societal problems and norms, or learn who took a shit in a random year.

You rested your cheek against your palm as you lazily took notes, your classmates already looked like they were ready to fall asleep, but you persisted, somehow.

"I want to have a class where I get to use magic like BANG!" Grim mumbled, you smirked, "Just stay put and maybe your magic won't make you go 'BANG'!" You giggled, making Grim frown and sink further into his desk.


The headmaster mailed you your own customary PE clothes, it was a maroon T shirt and some high/low rise shorts, but because you throught it looked too bland for your tastes, specifically you didn't like how awkward the shirt was with the low rise shorts. You obviously made some changes to the design the night before.

You walked out onto the field wearing high rise black shorts that effectively covered the lower half of your stomach, and stopped right above your mid thigh, your top was the same maroon color that Yuu was wearing but you darkened it, your signature two hearts rested on your breasts again, the shirt was shaped like a sleeveless turtleneck that was loose around your waist. You disregarded the obvious stares from the other students and if some made expressions, you flipped them off.

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