9. Blood // Water

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Prepared to be humbled

Oh, the people ain't happy 

The river has run dry

You thought you could go free 

"So each dorm has their own unique quirk about them" Trey explained, Cater nodded in agreement, "Yep, I definitely see it" but Deuce still wasn't catching on"What... quirks?" He asked, Trey gestured a different group for students, "For example... See them?"

Your eyes followed where he was pointing, your attention on a tall and buff guys with striking white hair and... "Dog ear bands are pretty original" Yuu joked, Trey shook his head, "Nope, those ears are as real as yours" the more you look at the tall boy, the more you thought about hellhounds. 'Wow, I'm really, really homesick...' you shook your head to distract yourself.

"That, and the rugged look is definitely the Savanaclaw dorm" Trey said, the name of the dorm rung a bell, you couldn't figure out from where, "It's the dorm that started the rumor that Velvette was Satan's daughter!" Cater chirped in. "Ohhhh, those hellhound shits" you hissed, putting away your phone.

"Hellhounds...?" Yuu questioned, all of them were confused at the species you mentioned, "Oh, hellhounds are the lowest beings back in hell, they have ears and tails, the only thing different is that they have fur everywhere, no skin" you explained, everyone nodded in understanding, especially Yuu, seeing that you came from a place that only religious people really believe in back on earth, he's planning on asking you if you knew about earth.

"Interesting, well, the Savanaclaw students always wear the yellow and black arm bands" Cater explained, Grim turned his head and pointed to a student with a purple and black armband "And what about him?" Grim asked, "Him? He's in Octavinelle" Trey answered, he then moved his gazer to the students at the next table.

"And the guys at the table over, they're wearing red and yellow armbands, so they're in Scarabia" Trey said, Cater leaned towards your group and smiled, "They say that those two are really smart, but those two dorms are in dead heat during exams apparently, though the dorm head is rumored to not be great at studying" Cater gossiped.

"We're getting completely derailed" Ace sighed, while Trey just smiled, "You sure adapt quick huh" but Ace didn't answer his comment.

"Woah! There's a super cute girl over there!" Grim exclaimed, pointing to another group of students, at a mention of a possible another girl, you turned your head, "What?! Another girl?!" Deuce gasped, but you frowned. "Darling, that's a guy" you informed him.

"What?" Grim and Deuce exclaimed, shocked that the lavender haired student wasn't a girl, Ace rolled his eyes "Idiots, Velvette is the only girl enrolled..." you had to admit, you almost thought the same, but you used to hang out with tomboys and femboys all the time when you were alive.

"If you want to see girls, go visit the portrait in the west side, Rosalia is pretty high level" Cater chimed, "People talk to portraits to see pretty girls?" You questioned, disgusted at the idea of boys talking to a painting just to see a girl, Cater only smiled at your curiosity, "We can visit her together, doesn'T that sound nice?" You didn't answer, but Cater kept talking anyway, "And I wouldn't mind setting you up for a blind date Ace~"

"I'm good, no matter how cute Rosalia is, she's still a painting" Ace insisted, crossing his arms defensively, that was half true, it was also because you were here with him so why bother? Cater nodded, "True true, and you already have Velvette right here" he gestured towards you, making you flip him off, but again, he was unfazed by your antics.

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