From the Sparkling Lights, to the falling shadows, I want to love them all.

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Title is from Momoiro No Kagi

Takes place right before 100 ways to leave the planet (Numberblocks)

Human au is once again used but designs are not specified.

Now uh, fair warning. This is Angst. This is very much Hurt/Comfort. If this won't stop you and you're a fiend go ahead LMAO I won't stop you. I just want you to know in advance.


One loved Numberland.

It was her home. Full of life and adventure. It was where she got to meet her friends, her wonderful friends. Truly, she couldn't be more grateful to have landed on such a beautiful planet.

When she finally met One Hundred, she wondered:

"What if there's more to explore than just this? What else is in this vast universe?"

The thought excited her. She was willing to go on many more adventures, especially with her friends!

It was like a door, opening to many, many more adventures!

She was so antsy she couldn't sleep, pacing around back and forth, teddy in hand, until Ten groggily (yet gently) beckoned her to go to sleep. Which she did, but it took a while. Her dreams gave her a peek at all the amazing adventures she'd have. It only made her more excited. Cuddling her teddy, close to her chest, she decided she wanted to explore this galaxy.

And so she tells her friends her idea, luckily, they all seem to be in agreement with her.

Now, they just need to prepare.


One was alone, once.

She fell into this world, unknowing of her purpose until her numberling appeared on her head.

Despite how happy she was to explore, there was an aching loneliness in her heart. One that wouldn't go away...

Until she found the magic mirror.

Ever since, she's been surrounded by friends, surrounded by fun, she was happy. She wasn't lonely anymore.

And it's with those friends she'll explore space with. She'll see more of this universe.

And yet the aching in her heart comes back. When they're preparing for the day.

After Fifty-Five launches them into space, her and her friends are all floating in space. It's fun, playing around with the lack of gravity.

She beams, reaching out to grab Two's hand. She's done it plenty, when she's so excited and can't handle it. Only to realize Two isn't within reach. Neither are Three, Four, Five...

Time seems to freeze as she realizes that, despite how fun playing in zero gravity...

She's... alone. Again. Isn't she?

She looks around and locks eyes with Two, her first and best friend.

He smiles, cheerfully.

She feels a pang of guilt strike her. Right. Fun. This is supposed to be fun.

How much longer until she can't see that smile? She looks down.

Numberland looks so far...


How much longer until she has to abandon everything she knows?

One shakes it off. This will be fun. Adventuring will be fun.

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