17. Dollhouse

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No one ever listens,

This wallpaper glistens,

Don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen

Ink ate away at his physical body, vines engulfing him, drawing his blood and senses till he is dry.

You were so confused, yet you still felt that nagging pull, like you had to do something about the situation. Since when did you care this much?

Riddle stood more proudly, he looked sickly, and twisted. His skin pale, his hair duller and darker, a heart with fishnet tattoo branding his left eye, the other eye holding a bright, red flame like a torch.

His outfit seemed more gothic, torn and themed with red and black instead of red and white like before. Behind him was a gurgling, inky mess of an abomination, it stood behind him like a shadow, yet it seemed to be more frightening than Riddle himself.

This whole situation made your head spin, when was the last time you've felt this weak and confused? You hated the feeling, that's why you're a Vee, so you didn't need to feel this way, this scared.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!" This new, twisted Riddle laughed, laughed like the situation was amusing and lighthearted, none of you were laughing. Hell, Riddle's distorted and lapping voice scared the shit out of you.

"Those who defy me have no place in this world- my world, where my word is final and absolute!" Riddle cackled, "If I get an answer that isn't 'Yes, Riddle sir' then it's OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!" Riddle's tone flipped.

Rage mixed with insanity coated his words like expired decorations, anyone taking a bite is poisoned. "What the fuck?!" You exclaimed, was it just you, or is the collar getting tighter?!

Suddenly, the 'blotted' person turned to you and Ace, singling you two out from the rest, making you swallow a nervous lump in your throat. "And you two, people like you don't deserve a place in the world at all! Gah!" Riddle grunts, sending a blast of magic towards you two, making you think quick and pull Ace out of harm's way.

Suddenly, your neck felt lighter, glancing down, you noticed the lack of collar snapped around your neck. Your eyes mwidened, "I can only keep this up for so long!" Trey yelled out, making you pull out your pen.

You felt a sharp burning sensation on your left arm, thankfully not the one with your magical pen, but you still let out a pained scream. "Damn it! That fucking hurts!" You cursed, falling back and further away from your friends, "Velvette!" Yuu screamed, turning to you, but before he could take another step, he was swatted away like a fly by Riddle.

You tumbled onto the ground, but your heart was beating in your ears at this point, your body felt very sensitive and hyperactive, making you quickly recover from shock and stand up. You were pushed very far from where almost everyone was, you got more of a side view than a front one.

This new Riddle was throwing spells at his peers like a bazooka on it, his new, distorted voice made it much harder to decipher what he was saying but all your friends were fighting him, so it made sense that you needed to kick ass as well.

You pointed the ends of your magical pen towards the ink glob of a monster, blasting a basic fire spell straight at its head, making it scream. It turned towards you, making you tense up even more, the being then threw an inked tree at your direction, breaking the roots that were sprouting from under your feet, you sprung into action.

Sprinting as best as you could towards the monster, you blasted another blast of fire toward its messy body, as it wailed, Riddle turned his attention towards you.

"You! You're especially one hell of a nuisance!" He cursed, pointing his black jeweled pen in your direction, soon, a flying shot of fire was targeted at you, forcing you to curl into a duck, gritting your teeth as you let out a snarky reply. "Like you're any better! You overreacting man child!"

You heard a grunt from Riddle, you quickly uncurled and sent an other offensive spell at him, being a newbie at magic, it was easy for Riddle to deflect, but someone behind Riddle managed to throw a blast at Riddle, distracting him for a split second. You grinned as you summoned the best amount of magic you've learned.


It successfully hit your opponent, but in turn, when he blacked out, you felt your own body shutting down. The feeling of roughed up grass and the sounds of screams behind you filled your body before everything went dark.


(758 words)

Lore time for both of you

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