Chapter 9

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The following Saturday, there was a package at my door.

I picked it up, it was addressed to me. I walked into my apartment and headed right for my room. I lifted the lid off the box and found a written note.

Wear this for Mass tomorrow. - C

I looked into the box and pulled outthe item. I....I don't even know what this is? It fit in the palm ofmy hand and had a weird shape to it. I looked around but didn't see abutton or anything. I couldn't figure it out.

I took it out into the kitchen, wheremy roommate was washing dishes.

"Uh, Dorothy, I need help."

"What's up?" She asked.

I held the item up to her with herback turned, "Um, I think Fr. Craig left this at the door. He saidto wear it at Mass tomorrow? I don't know what it is."

She turned to face me after dryingthe last dish, and cracked a smile.

"Girl," was all she said.

"What? What is it?" I asked. Iwas getting curious now.

She took the item from me andexamined it, "You seriously don't know what this is?"

I frowned, "No I don't!"

Dorothy looked like she was trying tohold back a laugh, "Damn, he really be sneaky in that church."

I began tapping my foot, impatient.

She handed the item back to me, "Youstick it in your underwear Rey."

I looked down at the item, then backat her, "I don't get it."

She giggled, "I think that's allI'm going to say. You'll definitely find out from him though."

I looked at it again, feelingembarrassed that I didn't know what it was.

It was like Dorothy read my mind,"Hey, don't worry about it right now. Lets spend the eveningwatching more of The Office and Uber Eats."
She always knewhow to distract me.

* * *

The next morning was weird. I put theitem in my underwear like Dorothy said to. When I pulled my pantiesup, it felt odd at first, but I surprisingly felt more comfortablethan I thought it would. Dorothy insisted on joining me to churchthat morning, which was really odd, but whenever I asked why she justgrinned.

We walked into the church together,she offered to carry my guitar for me again. I introduced her to theband this time. She went to take a seat while I set up, and I heardthe door of the priests lounge open behind me and I didn't even haveto look to know who it was.

"Hello my wonderful guitar player,"said Fr. Craig as he playfully nudged me.

I blushed, "Hello my wonderfulpriest."

He dropped his gaze and I could tellhe was trying not to blush in return.

I paused, "I, uh, got aninteresting package yesterday."

"Oh, did you now?" He said, "Anddid you follow the instructions?"

I took another long pause, "Idid...but...I don't know what it is...."

He flashed a big smile, "Really?Well that takes things on an interesting turn." He took his phoneout from his pocket, looked at it for a moment, then put it back."Tell you what. I'll tell you after Mass. We're about to startright now."

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