18. Alcoholic Friends

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I'm trying hard, not to be ashamed,

【Not to know the name of who is waking beside me

"Happy birthday Riddle!"

You forced your eyes open, no longer feeling the messed up filed below you, you stumbled onto your feet, feeling no injuries, you looked around yourself. Everything was in black and white, confusing you, your ears picked up the same feminine, mature sounding voice, making your head turn.

You were in a monotone colored house, it looked empty, a small boy who resembled much like Riddle, sat in the birthday seat, a woman walking into the dining room with a... cake? 'It's his birthday'

"Thank you mama, but... but I wanted to have a strawberry tart...!" The young Riddle nervously requested, looking at what look liked a bird's cake, the pastry itself made you gag. "Poor boy, I know what it's like to be restricted from what you want" you thought sympathetically, the regret of your words started to seep in faster than ever now.

"How could you even ask that?! Riddle, you need to know that those blasted tarts already exceed the recommended amount of sugars with just a singular slice! They're practically poison!" His dietician of a mother lectured, you couldn't see her face as she was a black figure. But you could tell that a soured look on her face quickly surfaced, the wide, grey eyes of Riddle reflected a bit of embarrassment from asking the question.

"For so long, a strawberry tart was all I ever wanted. The bakery close by would put some on display and every time I would pass by, the shiny strawberries would glisten like forbidden jewels"

You turned your head away from the memory and saw a Riddle in monochrome colors, he spoke but his eyes seem to bore past you, looking at the scenery as well. He slowly stepped towards you, making you step aside, he didn't spare you a glance as you wearily stepped next to him.

Riddle's childhood made you dig up some memories of your own human life, but before you could rip the images from your head, a new scene flipped. Suddenly, you were in a very barren looking room. It looked so... boring and dull, and at the desk sat a slightly older looking Riddle, reading a bible's worth of magic studies.

"Alright Riddle, let's end your classical magical studies for today. You have until tomorrow to finish and review your magical ethics work then for homework get through fifty pages of your language philosophies" his mother said, Riddle barely reacted as he let out a "Yes mother" before shutting his book, turning to the door as his mother stepped out.

You stepped closer to the memory, closely following the young Riddle in his small room, the feeling ate you away to do something, to say something, but you doubt this Riddle could hear you at all.

"Every moment that passes were always filled to the brim with any and every type of discipline. The clock never stopped for breaks, if I didn't get it, we would extend the time till I did" Riddle's voice rung, making you look back at the monochrome Riddle.

"Riddle... I'm so sorry-" you sputtered out, you looked back at the Riddle, you could see how emotionless he was, how much of a shell he was of a person, you guessed this wasn't the best time to apologize but the urge to comfort and to apologize was tickling the edges of your fingers, tempting you to do so.

"But this is normal for me"


"Huh? Is someone knocking on the window?" The child asked to no one, he turned away from desk and to his window, you followed with him, peering next to him curiously, your eyes widened slightly when you spotted two familiar faces.

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