20. 7 weeks & 3 Days

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I should've caught him by his last name...

 I don't get why you have to leave

You started to limp away from the group as everyone started to walk away to start cleaning the wrecked garden, pulling out your magical pen without thinking, "Oh, Velvette! Get back here! We're sending you to the infirmary!", making you whip your head around, Cater running to you with a smile, you grunted as he pulled you into his arms and started to drag you away.

"Headmage wants you to recover at the infirmary, but your pretty little head was already walking away!" he chirped, pulling you by the shoulders towards the mirror to exit the campus. "Hey! HEY! Let go Cater!" You screamed, "CaTERRRRRR!!" You continued, trying to unclamp his 'talons' off your shoulders, making him laugh lightheartedly as you both caught up to Trey and Riddle.

"Aww, what happened to calling me Cay?" He frowned, but he then smiled slyly, "Aww, don't tell me you're one of those?" He asked, as you four passed through the mirror portal, "Cater, please, she's already injured as is" Trey sighed, smiling sympathetically in your direction. "Oh come on Trey! What's wrong with a harmless question?" Cater replied smoothly.

"Spare me" you groaned, but you were relieved as Cater only hummed the rest of the trip to the infirmary, you and Riddle were dropped off at the office, escorted to nurse cots, receiving a hug from Cater and an awkward, haste apology from Trey before departing.

After a check up for Riddle and some healing magic on you, you were both silently laying on matching cots, placed next to each other. Awkward silence plaguing the air as the clock ticked to fill the air. You couldn't stand this at all.

"Velvette?" Riddle's voice was hoarse from being quiet for so long, not to mention he cried not too long ago, you noticed that he didn't turn his head to look at you. You hummed a confused sound, "May I ask a question?" He asked, his hesitance is hard to miss, making you weary for some reason, an unpleasant feeling in your gut, but you were curious.

"Sure," you answered nonchalantly, "...Who is [Name]?" He asked, he seemed very cautious with the delivery of his question, and he had reason to, the unpleasant feeling in your gut only seemed tighten at the name. "[Name]...?" You whispered, furrowing your eyebrows, trying to recall the name, but you felt nauseous the more you try and recall it, until you recalled a memory.

A young child was sniffling in her room, her attitude now bitter towards her peers, mumbling incoherent curses to the world and those around you. Soon, the young girl scrambled out her journal, scribbling number points of goals and things that she now knew to follow.

"How do you know her?" You asked harshly, sitting up from your bed and turning to Riddle, he couldn't read your expression for the most part, but he saw mostly distraught and confusion, "I... I saw it the same way you saw mine" he explained, not wanting to acknowledge that you saw his past, and that he saw a bit of yours.

"I don't wanna talk about it" you spat, laying back down, Riddle clicked his tongue as silently as he could, taking the hint and shutting up. Letting the silence blanket them both once more. You were thinking about what you should've done after you both first met or what should've been said at the Unbirthday Party.

"Hey Riddle?" You asked after enough time of silence, Riddle then mimicked your hum of acknowledgment, "Can I tell you something?" you asked, your tone wasn't as hesitant as his was. "Sure" he curtly responded, "I.. I really did mean it when I apologized back there" you kinda knew why you were telling him for confirmation, but wanted to bury the realization.

Sitting up, Riddle turns to you,"..I know, and I should I formally apologize as well Velvette so, I'm terrible sorry for the harm that I've inflicted upon you" Riddle formally apologized, bowing his head a bit, making you lay back up as well to match his position. "We're even now?" You asked, you silently hoped that he would agree, though you made sure it didn't show in your body language.

"Yes, it'd be unreasonable to refuse such an honest apology, and would be inappropriate for us to keep quarreling and learn nothing from this" Riddle nodded, turning to you, smiling a bit, mirroring his expression, you were relieved at his compliance.

In Hell, you would just take what you wanted and left, your apologies would be half assed and dismissive, you don't know many sinners you've lied to, and what about how many people you've lied to when you were alive. Combining your personality with the nature of Hell, you haven't been met with a shred of sincerity in what feels like forever, and you sure as hell didn't mind feeling this again. Sincerity.

Your smile softened as you flopped back down, "It's been so long since I've done something like this" you sighed, "Oh? What do you mean?" Riddle queried, his eyes still on you, noticing the small glimmer of joy in your eyes, it made you seem more soft and nicer. His eyes widened when your usually red sclera's flashed a pearl white. You looked human for a split second, such a valuable moment and he couldn't breathe in time to make it. Darn.

"Something so basic as apologizing.. Hell fucked me up more than I realized..." you sighed, rubbing your cheeks to try and de-stress you, "Right, you came from 'Hell'?" Riddle responded, "How is it there?" He asked thoughtfully, pulling your hands away from your face, you thought about an answer. "Well sinners like me are restricted to the Pride ring but I'm pretty sure I've committed other sins." You answered, reminiscing your life in Hell, instinctively reaching for your phone. Riddle what you meant when you referred yourself as a 'sinner', he opened his mouth.

"Oh, fuck this!" You whispered yelled, first at the pain your arm, then the fact that your phone was shattered and beyond repair. You sighed, exasperated, your shattered screen protector reflected your pissed expression. "Get some rest Velvette, you mustn't add any additional stress, it isn't good for your health." Riddle advised, shuffling to get comfortable into his bed.

"You're right..." you sighed, closing your eyes, mumbling a subconscious 'goodnight' to the other person in the room, Riddle responded with "You as well" before silence comforting you both to bed.

(1070 words)

𝕋𝕎𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔼𝔻 ℍ𝔼𝔸𝕍𝔼ℕ [HIATUS] ➼Twisted Wonderland x Hazbin! F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now