21. Sat On the Floor

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I know I should stand tall and want more, 

but I sat on the floor

"Our great leader! The Crimson ruler! Dorm Leader Riddle Rosehearts! Let's hear it!" A student cried, stepping aside on the platform, Riddle walking into clearest view of all, standing proudly as he always does. Cheers rippled in the crowd you resided in, everyone was still wearing their official uniform along with Grim and Yuu, but you altered yours, since it was torn from the last party.

With your less voluminous and dramatic hair, you let it down and let it do its own natural styling, a nice black red bow headband resting between your locks. You clapped with the ones around you, your hands adored black fingerless fingers gloves with red heart accents, your dress was trimmed to around your thighs, you added a petticoat underneath the dark blue of your skirt to make it look bigger than it actually was, more cyan highlights than red this time, you noticed that the Heartslabyul students had some black and yellow tape wrapped around them as an accessory, so you decided to add it as well. So your waist or hip wrapped by a yellow and black fabric to use it as a belt, complimenting your body type,

Riddle hummed as he look around, "The colors are in order, the tables white and roses red, such order is perfect for the perfect Unbirthday Party" he stepped off the platform, walking around to the closest table, looking at the teapot sitting on it, opening the pot to look inside to see a mouse, "There are mouse inside the teapots, ah, actually it's fine without them" Riddle remarked softly, a content look on his face as Trey walked next to him.

"You don't have to change everything immediately y'know?" Trey said, scratching his cheek with the tip of his index finger, but then pointed to the food that was sat on the table, "but why not put jam on the scones and not the mouse? And change 'worthless without' to 'it would be nice', that would be better right?" Trey suggested, Riddle nodded thoughtfully, holding his chin in between his fingers. You watched the scene from a small distance, happy to see them both finally seem like friends and not a weird CEO and secretary thing.

You held a neutral expression when everyone started to enjoy the party themselves, you wandered to your group of friends, Yuu holding a piece of tart, Grim hopped onto your shoulder and started to whine about the doing a bunch of construction work while you were resting up in the infirmary. "Right?! In the end we had to fix the garden and do all the prep work" Ace complained, agreeing with the cat resident from ramshackle, Yuu and Deuce shook their heads.

"Calm down, above all of that, Velvette and dorm leader recovering is more important" Deuce lectured, making Ace roll his eyes, "Really? That important?" Ace crossed his arms, "I'll make you visit the infirmary, Ace" you warned, narrowing your eyes, pointing a fork at your heart marked friend, making him straighten up.

"Yo yo! The garden is looking uber photogenic! Not to mention the decor! It's picture perfect for some great magicam posts!" Cater appeared out for nowhere and gushed, pushing his shoulder against yours, smiling as he snuck some photos of you looking fabulous and more natural. "Who cares about that? The food looks delish!! I'm totally gonna stuff my face" Grim scoffed, drooling hungrily at the thought.

"Right, then let's go-" you started, turning on your heel, only to see Riddle, looking at you very intensely, you were maybe half a head taller than him. "Halt!" He commanded, making everyone turn to him attentively, Cater let out a hum of confusion, then Riddle pointed to a tall bush of roses, painted the signature color of red, EXCEPT IT WASN'T.

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