Theme Song

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The intro begins with the mansion and its vicinity being drawn over a white backdrop. As this happens, their colors slowly fade in alongside Mac, Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn Jr, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa, Lily, Clyde, Rusty, Zach, Liam, Stella, Ronnie Anne, Bobby, Carlotta, Carlitos, Carl, CJ, Sid, Adelaide, Nikki, Sameer, Casey, Laird, Darcy, Sam, Scott, Carol, Margo, Maddie, Paula, Carla, Gavin, Cricket, Fiona, Mandee, Jackie, Miguel, Meli, Haiku, Kayla, Ashley, Kristen, Shiloh, Shane, Shelby, Becky, Benny, Rocky, Girl Jordan, Maggie, Fransisco, Penn, Boone, Sashi, George, Simon and Sebastien coming to the mansion and hanging out with the imaginary friends, including Bloo, Mo-Slo, BoomBox, Fang, Kingdom, Aqua Agua, Big, Human Tongue, Picante Balls, Ranch dressing Cum Squirter, Boobie Face, Ghost, Flashback, The Narrator, Papers, Loona, Octavia, Eduardo, Wilt, Coco, Binky, Toppings, Ortamis, Brawnx, Farmer BuckTooth, Symon & Simon, Ging, Lady Rajna, Terry the Fruity Dactyl, Milst, Terrence, Clarence, Fuzzyla, Chef Gourmet, Trunk, Miss Tweets, Hammer Fish, Jackster, Squishy, Norb, Digo, Quacks, Nimph, Squiggles, Niki, Baggy Pipes , Jello, Hipper, Frank, Dice, Kelp, Brucky, Squirt, Sprinklez the Ice Cream Clown, Ticky, Corn, Gijit, Nerbert, Squint, Terisia, reble, Twinkie, Swiss, Whiskers and Smooth. The show's logo (on the frame) zoom in.

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