Chapter 7- Secrets will always be revealed- (THIS CHAPTER IS A WIP)

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"I'm doing wonderfully. People believe me, and Julia will be out of this game soon. I will win this money," Megan whispered on the phone with an evil grin on her face.

"Not surprised you would do this," said a familiar voice.

Megan froze upon hearing the voice and turned around to see Julia standing in the corner of the bathroom, tapping her foot.

"Shit, could you hear outside?" Megan asked, clearly annoyed.

"Nope, but you shouldn't have left the door unlocked. I knew you would do something like this because you're mummy's little princess, aren't, you?" Julia replied, imitating Megan's voice.

"Go make out with MK already," Megan mumbled.

Julia was angry. but she didn't show it. Julia wanted to be in control meaning she wanted Megan out of the picture. Megan walked out of the bathroom, and Julia grinned a little and stopped the recording on her phone.

"People will know the truth, her now," Julia mumbled, grinning.

Julia made sure the space was clear before walking out of the bathroom. She breathed a sigh of relief as there was no sight of Megan. Julia walked over to MK and sat beside her.

"I found something to save our case," Julia whispered.

"What is it?" MK asked.

"A little recording of Megan on the phone to my mum admitting to making a plan," Julia replied with an evil grin.

MK also grinned hearing that they didn't have a challenge that day, making it the perfect time to use the recording.

"You're hot when you make plans," MK said.

"I know," Julia replied, smirking and giving MK a little wink.

"When will you two make out you would be suuch a cute couple?" Bowie asks, laughing.

"Bitch shut up," Julia replies, annoyed

Bowie rolls his eyes, and MK chuckles a little. Megan gets angry and decides to create more drama, as always.

"Hey, guys..." Megan says, faking tears.

"What's wrong, Megan?" Bowie asks.

Megan sighs and replies, "Julia has been mean to me and is trying to manipulate me."

"Excuse me? You made a plan with your mum to manipulate everyone and get me out," Julia states.

"I heard Megan do it too," MK replies.

"Huh?" Bowie says.

Julia takes out her phone and plays a recording. Everyone except Julia, MK, and Axel is shocked.

"It was obvious," Axel mumbles.

"Wow, you're worse than Julia," Bowie says.

"I didn't even think that was possible to be worse than Julia," MK says, laughing.

"Shut up," Julia says in a joking way.

"Sorry, princess," MK replies flirtatiously.

Julia laughs a little and grins but turns back to Megan "Guess you got busted," Julia states grinning

"Oh shut up you fucking hoe," Megan replies pissed

"Oh !! that's not.." MK says

"Wanna go, sis," Julia says, sounding angry.

"Okay, let's go," Megan responds.

Julia ties up her hair, and Bowie takes out his phone to film the altercation. He also calls others to come and watch, even Chris.

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