sixteen; together

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October 19th, 1915

"You know," You started, looking up at Giyuu mischievously. He met your gaze, his finger tapping nervously against the back of your hand.

"That wasn't our first kiss."

He stopped in his tracks, his expression turning to one of bewilderment. "What?" he asked, his voice tinged with confusion.

You couldn't help but giggle. "Remember that night you drank too much?" His eyes narrowed in concentration as he tried to recall the memory. "We kissed?" he questioned, his brows furrowing.

You nodded, a playful smirk dancing on your lips. "You kissed me," you clarified. His eyes widened in realization as the pieces fell into place in his mind, understanding dawning on his features.

"You passed out mid-kiss," you added, unable to contain your laughter at the memory.

His jaw dropped in disbelief, and he reached out to grasp your hands, pulling you closer to him. "I'm so sorry, Y/n. Truly. If I had known-" You interrupted him with a bright laugh. "It's okay, Giyuu. Really," you reassured him, your eyes filled with warmth and amusement.

Smiling up at him, you continued, "What you did back there definitely made up for it." You referenced his heartfelt confession by the fireworks.

A sheepish smile spread across his face, and you couldn't help but chuckle at his adorable reaction. "Don't worry about it," you assured him, leaning in to softly peck his lips.

October 20th, 1915

Your gentle snores filled the hallway, a comforting melody to Giyuu's ears as he carried you to your room. He eased the door open with a soft push of his foot, gliding over to your futon with careful steps.

Setting you down gently, he watched over you with quiet reverence. Delicately, he removed the clips from your hair, placing them aside with care.

As he pulled the thin blanket up to cover you, he paused, taking in the peacefulness of your slumber. The rhythmic rise and fall of your chest, the softness of your features as your lips parted. With a soft smile, he brushed a stray hair from your face, his heart fluttering at the sight of you so content.

He turned to leave, but his movements stilled as you stirred awake."Stay?" your sleepy murmur reached his ears, your request tugging at his heartstrings. His eyes widened in surprise, turning back to meet yours. "You want me to stay?"

You only hummed, shifting over to make space for him. The idea of staying with you filled him with warmth, but he also didn't want to overstep any boundaries. But as he looked into your eyes, softened by sleep, he couldn't deny the genuine warmth and trust in your gaze.

"Okay," he finally whispered, his voice barely above a breath. Carefully, he slipped into the futon beside you, keeping his arms at his side.

A soft giggle escaped you as you turned to face him, your touch warm against his hand as you draped it over your waist. Humming contentedly, you nestled against him, drifting back into slumber.

As you drifted back to sleep, Giyuu remained awake, his mind swirling with a mix of emotions. The warmth of your body pressed against his, the gentle rhythm of your breathing, it all felt surreal yet comforting.

He couldn't believe that he was in such an intimate position with a demon. The idea of falling in love with one seemed unfathomable, yet here he was, feeling a sense of contentment in your presence that he couldn't ignore. Your care and acceptance always made him feel at ease, as if he had found a place where he truly belonged. 

In the quiet of that room, with you nestled against him, he couldn't deny the truth of his feelings. He couldn't deny the depth of his affection for you, nor could he deny the peace he found in your arms. You were his home, and he was willing to embrace whatever consequences came with that realization.

October 22th, 1915

You tilted the bag of fish, pouring them into the tank that Giyuu had bought.

Stepping back, you grinned as you watched the purple and blue guppies swim around. "Perfect," you whispered, a sense of contentment washing over you.

Giyuu stood beside you, a tiny smile playing on his lips as he hummed in agreement.

Feeling a surge of gratitude, you reached out and latched onto his arm, your eyes sparkling with appreciation. "Thank you, Giyuu," you said, your voice filled with sincerity.

He raised an eyebrow, his expression softening at your words. "For the fish?" he questioned, his tone teasing.

You shook your head, a fond smile tugging at your lips. "For everything. You're too kind to me."

Giyuu met your gaze, his eyes reflecting warmth and affection. Without a word, he leaned down, capturing your lips in a soft, tender kiss.

The sudden display of affection caught you off guard, but you kissed back nonetheless.

As he pulled back, a sweet smile graced his features. "You deserve all this and more," he whispered, his words echoing with sincerity and love.

October 25th, 1915

With gentle movements, Giyuu diced vegetables while you stirred a simmering pot on the stove.

As you replaced the lid on the pot, you made your way over to Giyuu, curiosity piqued. Standing on your toes, you peered over his shoulder to observe his progress.

He bit back a smile. "Am I doing well?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of uncertainty. You hummed in approval, wrapping your arms around his torso. "Very well."

A giggle escaped you as you felt his body tense, a blush creeping onto his nose. Leaning up, you brushed your lips against his cheek, eliciting a hitch in his breath. With a smile, you released him, returning to the stew bubbling on the stove.

"That should be enough, bring it here."

October 30th, 1915

You sat in front of the fish tank, pencil in hand as you began sketching the guppies.

Your pencil danced across the paper, capturing the fluid motion of the purple guppy, whom you had affectionately named after yourself, and the tranquil elegance of the blue guppy, secretly named after Giyuu.

You were momentarily interrupted by Giyuu's presence as he walked behind you, briefly pausing to see what you were drawing. You glanced up, catching a glimpse of the papers he held, filled with what seemed like important documents.

Your heart skipped a beat as you thought you saw your brother's name among the words, but before you could inquire further, Giyuu continued on into the dining room.

You shrugged it off. It had been a long time since you saw your brother's name written, you could easily be mistaken.

Shaking off the distraction, you returned your focus to your sketch, letting the rhythmic movement of your pencil soothe your thoughts.

November 5th, 1915

In the quiet of the night, Giyuu's arms enveloped you, holding you close as he nestled his head into the crook of your neck. His rhythmic breaths of slumber brushed against your skin, tickling you slightly

You gently traced through the strands of his long hair, the silky strands slipping between your fingertips as you softly combed through them. With each stroke, you felt him draw you closer to his comforting warmth.

Sighing contently, you rested your head against his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your ear. It was a soothing lullaby, calming your mind and easing you into a peaceful slumber.

Wrapped in his embrace, you drifted off to sleep, finding comfort in the quiet intimacy of the night and the reassuring presence of the man you held dear.


Cant wait to write this sub giyuu smut 🤤

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