10. First Fight

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*after 3 months*


It is all my fault, I should have never shouted so badly at her,  she was just trying to help me out...I am a complete idiot and  stupid why do I always have to mess up things , it's not her problem that I am not getting a job, I don't know what not I said to her, oh God she hates me, I tried many times to call her , to go to her house to apologise But she responded to none, fuck! It's all my fault, maa always told me to study harder if I would have listened to her,  I must've scored much higher in my school and college, which company would like to appoint someone like me who never scored good enough to qualify any job interviews... I was already so messed up with these things and now I had hurt my girl badly by saying such shit which she never deserved to hear....I have to do something to apologise to her, It has almost been 2 days and neither have I seen her beautiful face nor heard her sweet voice, and every moment feels like a heavy weight kept on my shoulders....I gathered up some leftover hope and went to her house again ....

*1 day ago*

I don't know what time of the morning it was all I knew the sun was about rise in sometime, I haven't felt so depressed in a while, it has been almost 6 months that I have come to Lucknow but still I couldn't find any job, I went to each and every company possible who would hire me but none of them found be eligible as I was inexperienced, simply for them I was a fresher for them whose academic scores were not good enough to buy me a suitable job, I don't know what to do, I'm losing hope, I don't want to live my life by being dependent on my father's savings and pension, my head is pounding out of pain, yesterday also I went to 3 companies for interview but none of them found me eligible enough, I haven't slept all night, I didn't even go to meet Shriya since 2 days, she called me several times but I never picked up her call, and whenever she came home I was not around, either I was giving some interview or sitting depressed in some park.... suddenly I felt a light push on my back, I was already so stressed and irritated that I turned back angrily and saw Shriya laughing at me, I don't know what happened to me and I yelled at her
"What is wrong with you?"
"Hey Varadha , what happened why are you so angry?" She asked gently keeping her hand on my shoulder, I didn't want to share with her that how miserable I was and I jerked her hand away,
"Just stay away from me Shriya, I don't want to talk to anyone!" I gritted my teeth angrily while I spoke
"But what has happened why are you behaving so strangely for 2 days...if there is any problem we can sort it out together...Talk to me Varadha, please see I'm always here for you" she said while caressing my face , I again jerked her away,
"I don't need your help! I don't want your pity! I can take care of myself! I'm not a kid if you think I still am! Just stay away from me! I don't want to talk to you right now! Leave me and get out of here!" I screamed so angrily at her that she stood there stunned by my sudden outburst, I left her standing there like that and I went downstairs, where I noticed my pet chocolate was laying in the corner of the living room and he looked sad, I went and knelt down beside him, he quickly stood and started purring on my lap, I held him closer to my chest, "damn you Varadha, what did you do, she must be hating you now, it is not her fault that you are useless" I wanted to slap myself for behaving so rudely with her, I quickly gained my senses, I tried calling her but she wouldn't pick up any, I went to her house but she had locked herself in her room and didn't let anyone to come in not even her parents, I felt extremely guilty for my actions...I even thought of barging through the balcony but it was locked


"Aunty where is Shriya?"
"Beta she is must be in her room itself, she hardly came out of it today" aunty said sadly,
"I'll try to talk to her"
"I trust you" she smiled
"I just come" I told her walked to Shriya's room which was surprisingly left open, I knew she was on terrace so I quickly changed my direction and slowly went there where I saw her standing near a wall....I quietly walked to her and embraced her from behind which she jerked away immediately
" Hey I'm really sorry for yesterday, I shouldn't have talked to you like that at all" I tried to apologise for my mistake
"I want to stay alone " she said turning her face away from me,

*Shriya's POV*

"It is all my fault, I should have spoken to you calmly but instead you had to go through my anger issues, but sometimes I can't help it Shriya, it's almost 6 months that I am in this place, I went to so many places to find myself a job but they all rejected me saying that I'm not eligible, for how many years I will live on my father's money, it hurts a lot in future when we will get married have children how shall I give you all a good life if I don't earn a single penny, my love for you is not good enough to give you a good future, I'm not good enough for you Shriya, I'm useless, I'm sorry for everything I know you hate me now, you don't even want to see me again, you can find someone be..." before he could complete his sentence I went forward and covered his mouth with my hand, and soon long held back tears started falling from his eyes, I never imagined how stressed he is, I didnt know he was going through all this shit, I should've known, how can I be angry with someone whom I love more than anything..."dare not finish that sentence, I know who is good enough for me and you can't decide that, for me till the day I die it's only you, I want to laugh with you, cry with you, grow old with you, I don't care if you don't find a job, I don't care if you don't earn, all I care about is being with you Varadha, and my heart says soon you will find a good job, I know you will, I'm never going to leave your side, you are stuck with me forever Mr. Varadha Singh", as soon as I stopped talking he wrapped his arms around my body and cried in the crook of my neck,
I held him close and caressed his back, we stood there for several minutes until he felt better, "I love you" I said to him,
"I'm sorry for everything I said, I didn't mean anything of them" he said while looking at his feet, I used my index finger to lift his chin,
"I love you so much that I can't stay angry with you for a long time" I said with a smirk which made him laugh a little, suddenly his phone rang,
"Hello! Yes I'm Varadha Singh, yes I came the day before yesterday, hmm mmm, yes I'll come tomorrow at 10 , thanks a lot sir , thank you, yes good time to you too"
I looked at him curiously, while he looked at me shockingly, "who was it?"
Instead of answering he picked me up bridal style and spinned me around, laughing like an idiot "waohh! What happened! Have you gone crazy?"he put me down and almost shouted "I got the job Shriya, I got the job! He was the manager of the company branch in which I applied, he said he wants to hire me! He asked me to come and take my offer letter tomorrow morning!!!"
"Yes!!! I knew it!" I jumped into his arms and squealed excitedly,
"I'm so proud of you,"
"Thank you for believing me always and tolerating my anger issues,"
"Don't thank me, just don't close your heart to me Varadha, as I said earlier as well that I'm always there for you, i am always standing just behind you, just let me be there with you, promise me you will do so?"
I extended my pinky towards him,
"Pinky promise"

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