Chapter 2: Into The Woods

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Peach had her eyes tightly shut as she tearfully clung onto her close companion and waited for her untimely end. Daisy, on the other hand, had started to feel less afraid when she noticed that, although the creature had spotted them, she showed no signs of aggression. Instead, her body language matched that of fear. Fear that was greater than that of the two human witnesses. Suddenly, the werewolf jumped through a nearby window, smashing a large hole in it in the process. The sound of the glass pane shattering caused Peach to open her eyes.

"What was that!?"

"She just took off through that window there!"

Though the floor from which Rosalina had jumped was over twenty feet off the ground, she landed safely, feeling little impact. Looking ahead, she saw the forest behind the castle – a perfect place for a werewolf. She bolted towards it, not looking back once.

The two princesses peered out of the window hole and spotted their friend running. Once she had completely vanished into the darkness, their minds moved away from their surroundings and to the events that had just transpired.

"Is this still reality, or am I just having a crazy dream?" Daisy said.

"I was about to ask the same thing," Peach responded.

"Then it's real. Come on! We have to go after her!"


Daisy started to walk away, but Peach grabbed her shoulder and turned her back around.

"Daisy, have you lost your mind!? We might end up dead! Or even worse, cursed with the same affliction!"

"Wha-? What makes you think that!?" Daisy asked, confused.

"She's a WEREWOLF, Daisy!" Peach cried, "I've read more than enough stories and watched more than enough movies to know that werewolves are highly dangerous when transformed!"

"You.... You're kidding, right?" Daisy said, dumbfounded.


"You're actually choosing to believe FICTION instead of using your common sense!?"

"What do you mean? I am using my common sense!" Peach insisted.

"NO, YOU'RE NOT!" Daisy yelled furiously, "You're believing in things that aren't meant to be believed in! That stuff you've read and watched is for ENTERTAINMENT, not education! Let me ask you this: if real-life werewolves are exactly  the same as fictional werewolves, then why didn't Rosie maul us as soon as she stopped changing!?"

"Um..." Peach hesitated as she tried to think of an answer, "Maybe she still had some humanity left in her and used it to escape before the beast within could take over!"

Daisy wasn't impressed.

"Don't talk to me ever again," she said as she walked away.

"What? What did I say?" Peach said, shocked by Daisy's words.

"You said one of the DUMBEST things I've ever heard in my life! If you were actually looking, you would have SEEN that she was still fully herself! I saw absolutely NO signs of an inner struggle! What I saw was FEAR! Rosie was more afraid of US than we were of her! And who can blame her?"


"Now, I'm going out to find her and give her the comfort she needs. If you don't want to come, that's fine. Just remember this: unless you learn some open-mindedness, this friendship is over. Understood?" Daisy said, firmly.

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