Part- 17

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The auto sputtered to a halt, the driver barking out a final fare that was thankfully closer to Y/N's initial offer. Relief washed over her as they stepped out onto the damp pavement. "Yeh li-jiye bhaiya...aur kam ho sakta tha waise...chalo koi baat nahi...Aram se jayiye...(take it auto rickshaw wale bro, ya I know price could be more lower but that's okay...have a safe journey...)"  She teased that autorickshaw man and finally he left from there. The rain had stopped momentarily, but the sky still crackled with an occasional flash of lightning, casting an eerie glow over the scene. "It might again going to rain soon...we are already half wet due to rain..even your auto rickshaw couldn't stop from getting us wet..."  He exclaimed in a funny way.

The house loomed ahead, a two-story structure that exuded a quiet elegance even in the dim light. Fifty-four steps separated them from the entrance, a daunting prospect after their cramped journey.

"You know," Jungkook started, his voice barely audible over the soft patter of residual raindrops, "I could have stayed at a hotel. Why to bother them...and you have your house okay rented one but you have, in this city..."

Y/N sighed. "That wouldn't work, I have to live with you...I can't leave you alone..." she explained. "This isn't Delhi or Mumbai. Misha might have connections there, but here, word travels fast. No five-star hotel would keep a K-pop idol under wraps for so long."

Jungkook nodded, his gaze flicking across the quiet street. "Fair point. But staying at your cousin's place seems… unexpected."

Y/N felt a pang of guilt. "It was," she admitted. "Everything happened so fast. I called Hema, my eldest cousin's sister, right before we arrived to station. She agreed but my Uncle(mamu her aunties husband.)..."

Hema, Y/N's bubbly and adoring cousin, had erupted in squeals of excitement upon hearing about the "famous" houseguest. The idea of rent was initially scoffed at, Hema declaring it an honor to host a global star. However, Y/N knew her father and brothers wouldn't stand for free lodging. A quick negotiation on the phone had resulted in a reasonable monthly rent, something Y/N hadn't had the chance to mention before.

"You didn't tell me about the rent," Jungkook said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Y/N avoided his gaze. "It all happened very quickly," she mumbled. "She didn't want to hear about rent, but…"

"But of course her family wouldn't approve," he finished, his voice laced with understanding.

Y/N nodded sheepishly. "Exactly. We can talk about it more when we get inside. We will talk with my uncle."

They reached the porch, the carved wooden door a stark contrast to the rickety auto they'd just abandoned. Y/N took a deep breath, bracing herself for the next chapter in this whirlwind charade.

Rain lashed down in a sudden torrent as Y/N and Jungkook rushed through the gate, seeking refuge under the covered patio of Hema's house. Hema she was married women but she was still living in her parents house strange ? Well there's a back story of her will reveal it soon. Her usual vibrant smile replaced with a worried frown, paced back and forth, the flicker of lightning momentarily illuminating her concerned face.

"Y/N! Ah thank god you guys came in right time. You're both soaked!" Hema exclaimed, rushing forward the moment they entered. Her eyes darted to Jungkook, registering his half-wet state but devoid of the fangirl frenzy Y/N had half-expected.

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