the tale of heartbreak

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"LONG long go the love goddess adored everyone she thought humans used her love as a gift she was blindsided by the good, but love only did more harm then good she was adored by all she looked perfect to EVERYONE but she couldn't even enjoy that as it became clear everyone just wanted her for face, she wasn't ever loved true. it's ironic that she was love it's self but she didn't have someone to love her for her.. soon each her friend left her to, she went to the human world to find them only to find her gift to people wasn't used right, people hated on people FOR LOVING THE SAME GENDER, hated their own kids for not being what the wanted. her own gift was ruined then she found out humans didn't NEED OR WANT IT they can love who they want but hurting those they once loved for spite, she went back but her love for humans stayed she lost her respect for every human she helped create, SOMETHING SHE LOVED COULD DO THIS she saw black as something snapped she looked at her face and then she cut her long hair as it turns black her lovely red eyes did the same as her pupils turned to broken hearts she ripped up her dresses and crys as the god of evil things walks in he told her something that made her happy "JOIN ME. WE WILL MAKE THOSE WHO LEFT PAY, TAKE THEIR LOVE AWAY AND WATCH AS THEIR HEARTS BREAK." she did what he asked she smirks as she taps her necklace and tells it what to do. the love goddess is madden by heart break or so they say..poor thing was used and is still being abused...she though the man loved her as a friend but he saw her as a toy." the mother closes the book

 "now kids this is why humans don't feel romantic love..humans used it bad and left someone as young as her in the hands of a monster by using her gift wrong." alice knew the tale her mother told her she loved the nature goddess but she ran away with her dad's and mama she knew it would have hurt the things she knew the evil man was mean. he hurt 6 people 6. she remembered her aunt love from when she was 2 she loved her more then anything she was like a 3rd mother but when they left it broke her. she saw her aunts look of horror when she found out what humans did with her gift, her. she was loved by everyone and it ruined her trust on who loved her true. she walks over to her friends house sun 

"sunny!" she smiles as she hugs him "remember auntie love? i found photos of her with your mama!" she laughs 

"COOL!" he smiles he adored his mother till she became what she is now

(next is moon goddess.)

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