Exploration and New Powers

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We pick up where we left of as the group landed and went to the research ship. When they entered, they saw destroyed sentry bots littering the floor. walls and ceilings were torn and had holes in them too.

Ren: What the hell happened in here?

Slone: I don't know, but we should be careful.

Izuku: Slone's right. We don't know if whatever did this is still here or not.

And so everyone went searching for anyone who could still be on-board ship.

Slone, Naofumi, Ren, Itsuki, Motoyasu and Malty went the front section of the ship and came across a vault door.

Slone, Naofumi, Ren, Itsuki, Motoyasu and Malty went the front section of the ship and came across a vault door

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Malty: What would an IO research ship need a vault for?

Ren: I get the feeling that this is more than just a simple research ship.

Motoyasu: Well, let's open the vault and find out.

Meanwhile, Ibara, Azula, Kiruka, Chojuro, Hoyo and Jaune were in the back portion, specifically the bridge. The quartet looked over the data logs to see what the ship was doing.

Jaune: Find anything?

Chojuro: *Shakes head* Nada!

Hoyo: Logs just say that they were doing research on quirk transference & replication.

Kiruka: You mean they were trying to figure out how to copy quirks and give them to people?

Hoyo: Exactly.

Jaune: Keep looking, maybe we'll find something else.

And in the middle part of the ship, Omegarok, Kugo, Monoma and Izuku were following the trail of destroyed sentries and came across a lab. The bodies of dead scientists were scattered across the place.

 The bodies of dead scientists were scattered across the place

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Omegarok: Looks like we found the crew.

Monoma: Or what's left of them anyways.

Izuku: Do I even wanna know what was being held in those.

Omegarok, Kugo and Monoma looked over to where Izuku was and saw 2 broken testing capsules.

Omegarok, Kugo and Monoma looked over to where Izuku was and saw 2 broken testing capsules

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Something caught Izuku's eye and so he went over to one of the lab devices

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Something caught Izuku's eye and so he went over to one of the lab devices

Something caught Izuku's eye and so he went over to one of the lab devices

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Inside of it was a orb-like crystal with redish-smoke inside of it.

Izuku touched the crystal and was suddenly engulfed by red energy and black lightning

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Izuku touched the crystal and was suddenly engulfed by red energy and black lightning.


Everyone heard Izuku scream and rushed over to the lab.

Slone: What happened?

Omegarok explained what had happened

Jaune: We need to help him.

Omegarok: Unfortunately, there isn't anything we can do to assist. We just have to wait and see what happens.

Motoyasu: Hey, the light and whatnot is dying down.

Malty: Good. Now we can find out what THE HELL?!

The light faded and revealed Izuku standing there, but with some extra features

The light faded and revealed Izuku standing there, but with some extra features

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Izuku: Hey guys! Sorry for the scare.

Everyone was stunned by Izuku's new appearance.

Chojuro: Looking wicked Izuku.

Izuku: Thanks. That orb sure was something.

Hoyo: Wait? Did you say an orb?

Izuku: Yeah, why?

Jaune: I think we know what that was.

Kugo: Really?

Kiruka: Yeah, it's called the Essence Gem.

Omegarok: They were experimenting with Demon Stones.

Jaune: Not exactly. It's more like an artificial one that can give people a demon quirk.

Slone: What did it do to him exactly?

Kiruka: Well, Izuku is now able to use the powers of the demon clan. He can fly, has multiple forms, make illusions, manipulate fire & electricity, control other people, summon appendages or tentacles from his body, create barriers, control darkness.

Izuku: You're telling me that I can do all that.

Jaune: You're going to be a strong hero, that's for sure.

Omegarok: Let's head back to the airship, we've finished our mission here.

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