I'm Jenifer I live in Houston Texas and I'm 19 I'm in collage I'm also looking for the right guy.yea I know what your thinking every collage/high school girl is looking for the one .but I mean it like its like I'm going to parties and drink,having sex with collage guys
I don't know my moms always told me to be paciant because god sees your paciants and he'll serve you first I've always grown up in a religious family . my dad on the other hand wants me to wait until I get out of collage. I know right! My dad is a over protected gun shooting freak.ugh well maybe that was a little harsh
Well as the story goes on you'll find out more things about me.Hey,this was a good getting to know character thing I just hope as when I update another you'll like it ! Okay love you I'm gonna update now