3. Here Comes a Martyr!

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I've already lost count of how much I yawned for the past hour or so. Xueer had made a great deal about this whole thing. And maybe that's why I had so much expectation and excitement to watch. Keyword: had. There's probably nothing more boring than watching people try to shoot sticks into a vase.

Xueer, along with the other spectators seem to be really amused and entertained with it, though. From time to time, they would clap and cheer whenever their pick managed to shoot into the vase. And every time, I would just sigh. Like right now. One of the boys managed to shoot, causing some applause. I shook my head and rested my elbows on the arm of my hair before resting my cheek on my palm.

 They aren't even that good-looking like the ones I see in the dramas...

"Aihan," Xueer called out, making me sit up and look at her. "You seem to be losing interest. Is something the matter?"

"No, no... I was just thinking." I smiled at her before turning back to the game. "By the way, what's the winner's reward?"

"Same as always." She shrugged. "The winner makes the loser drink as much alcohol as he pleases."

I didn't answer, expecting it to be a joke. But upon seeing the serious look on her face, it was clear that it wasn't. "They're just looking for an excuse to get wasted at noon," I mumbled under my breath.

"What?" She gave me a confused stare. "Did you say something?"

"It's nothing." I shook my head before a grin stretched my lips as a plan came to mind. "I have an idea... what about we set a punishment for the loser instead? You know, make things a bit more interesting." I suggested.


My grin widened as I scooted closer. I leaned in and whispered my plan. It wasn't long before she was mirroring the grin on my face and a small laugh followed. I pulled away and looked at her in expectation. "So, what do you think?"

"I like it." She nodded before turning to the playing boys. I bit my lips as her face suddenly morphed into a serious expression. "Gentlemen!"

A laugh bubbled up my throat. Gentlemen? At the call, they all stopped and turned on our way.

"I have decided that there will be a change in today's game," Xueer announced and took a glance at me. "The loser in the game shall face a punishment." At that, everyone's face scrunched up but Xueer paid them no attention. "The loser will jump into the lake and shall frolick around like a duck for a whole minute."

I couldn't help it anymore and I covered my mouth in laughter. What made me laugh harder was the look of pure disbelief on the players' faces. The other watching girls and children were also starting to snicker on the sides.

"Lady X-Xueer, you cannot be serious!" One of the boys uttered out. He was the one who hadn't been able to shoot in the past yet.

"Are you questioning your lady?" Xueer spoke and raised a brow and it was entertaining how a man, who was almost a whole foot taller, seemed to be so scared of her.

"N-no, Lady Xueer." The boy answered and they all lowered their heads.

Woah, so cool...

"Brilliant!" Xueer clapped with a bright smile. "Well then, proceed with the game!"

My eyes followed her movements as she relaxed back in her chair. "Er ye questionin' yer leydy?" I teased in a whisper. My grin only widened as she turned to me with her face red in embarrassment.

"Stop it. It was your suggestion." She huffed and rolled her eyes, making me snicker before also turning back to the game.

The change of rules definitely changed the course of the game. Now the players were playing more... I guess driven? the serious determination in their faces as they tried hard to successfully shoot a stick into the vase was probably the most entertaining thing I had seen ever since I got here.

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