27. I Almost Became Fox Food

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"Hey, wait!"


"How'd you know that name?!"

"Can you like slow down? Please!"

A groan left my lips as I stopped trying to chase her. I glared at the back of her head as she continued walking ahead as if not hearing a single one of my calls. I grabbed the ends of my skirt and started running again. My pace came out slow as my shoes stuck to the muddy ground, making me groan yet again.

She just called me Cai Y/N. That's my name. Like my actual name. And it must have really been so long since someone called me that because it took me moments before I finally realized. However, by the time I did, she had already started walking away. Hence, the chase currently happening. If it could even really be considered one since I'm the only one who seems to be doing actual running. A huff slipped out of me as I pushed my legs and managed to come close just enough for me to finally grab her sleeve.

"Geez, I said slow down!" I complained as I kept my hold on her while I caught my breath. She turned to me, her face into a scowl. She looked down a my hand on her sleeve and wordlessly shook me away.

"How did you know my name? And how'd you know that I'm not supposed to be here?" I asked again, furrowing my brows in an attempt to look intimidating.

"You exude the stench, honno," she said plainly.

If not already, my brows just furrowed more. This time because of confusion. I'm sure that she's speaking the same language as I am, but how come I can't quite understand what she is saying? Stench? what about my smell? Nothing about her answer actually answered my questions.

But if there was something certain, it was that she was fully aware of what was going on with me (being stuck inside a book). And if there was someone who could help me, that would be her.

"So, you can help me, right?" I said again as she moved to turn away. "You know, return to my world?"

She was silent for a few seconds as I looked at her hopefully. mentally, I was already praying to all the gods I knew that she would answer a 'yes' and help me out.

"I guess I could..." she finally spoke, making my eyes widen in surprise. "But are you certain I am someone to be trusted?"

I paused as her lips curled up into a smirk. She is right. How could I even trust her? How could I even be sure that she was not leading me into some kind of trouble right now? But I don't really have much of another choice. Besides, between a portal in a forest that I'm not even sure of and the first person who knew that I wasn't from here. I think the choice is pretty clear.

"Well, you trusted me with the bread and cheese, so... For all you know, those could have been poisoned," I pointed out.

I guess my answer struck something in her because the next moment, her smirk fell off and instead, her eyes narrowed in on me. This time, I was the one grinning. She rolled her eyes and sharply turned away, her wet hair hit me on the face in the process but I didn't mind it. I took it as an agreement to my earlier request.

It was utterly quiet as we walked deeper into the woods. I took the time to look around but there wasn't really much to see but towering trees. As we walked further and I continued following the girl, the trees around seemed to appear older than the ones prior.

"So... what's your name?" I decided to ask but like before, she didn't answer, making me huff. "You know, it's kinda weird 'cause in my head I keep referring to you as 'lady' or 'girl' or 'weird lady-girl'... A name would really help."

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