Into Another World....Huh. And I Already Almost Died!?

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'fuck.' you thought, staring out at the ocean before you.

and the destroyed bridge.

and the military aircraft flying off.

'i was late. i missed the goddamn evac.'

this was it?


after everything.

you're going to die here?


how many hordes, how many special infected...


to die here, of all places.

from starting from Fairfield with a group of 4, going up mercy hospital, and ending your adventure with that group at ANOTHER bridge, one where you 'sacrificed' yourself, barely escaping with your life, only to make it all the way to New Orleans, Louisiana at another bridge that's just gone kaboom.

all of that, a few months worth of surviving only to die.

like a little.


and it's all because you were not even 20 seconds late.


all of this, everything was all for naught?

no, you can't think that way.

you knew you were going to die eventually, but not like this.

at the very least, you can say that you've dwindled the infected horde a lot.

and you have to admit, you were quiet a badass....

you turned around, and stared at the rapidly approaching horde of common infected.

you took a deep breathe, and moved your hand to your back, grabbing your trusty AK-47.

if you were going to die, you were at least taking a few with you.

well, a 'few' will be an understatement.

you'll be taking out a lot of them.

you know what they say.

'if your going to die, take out some infected with you.'

'this wasn't a very good holiday.' you thought to yourself, a smirk on your face

you checked your ammo, it was full to the brim.

you didn't need to check your pistol.

because somehow, ever since the apocalypse, it's had infinite ammo.

Molotov? check.

pills? accounted for. a shame you didn't have an adrenaline shot though.

medkit? unfortunately not. you had to use it on the way here.

now that you think about it, life got really strange huh?

incapitation states, how you healed wounds with medkits or pain didn't really make sense. but you were glad.

otherwise you'd probably be dead already.

you aimed your Ak forward, right at the first infected that made it's way towards you.


shot through the brain.

the corpse fell infront of you.

but once that first bullet was fired, came more bullets.

and with more bullets, came more corpses.

even though it seemed the horde wasn't going to let up.

Magic? How About.....A GUN!? (Re:zero x l4d2 malereader)Where stories live. Discover now